f i f t y f o u r

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Tina P.O.V.

I stood there, gawking, with my jaw probably somewhere on the floor. Jungkook was standing in front of me with so much confidence and an immensely accusatory stance.

Excuse me?

"W-what the fuck are you talking about?" I stuttered.

He exhaled heavily and rubbed his temples, trying to figure out where to begin.


"Noona!?" I shouted in shock, "Wasn't I 'bitch' last night?" I crossed my arms.

"Okay, I know that was uncalled for, I'm sorry. I've said a lot of things to get you to understand." He nervously scratched the back of his neck.

"That was uncalled for?" My voice kept getting louder, "Are you fuc—"

"Can I just explain!?" He exploded, throwing his hands up in the air.

I stopped, arms still crossed, and partly pouting at him. I was mad, but at the same time, it was hard to stay feeling this overly enraged at someone like Jungkook. He had been there for me so many times and while I couldn't fathom why he would do this, I was ready to hear him out.

He sighed again as I stood there, waiting.

"It sucks, doesn't it? Jimin treating you like some random girl who's pissing him off, right?" He asked.

I nodded my head, reluctantly, in agreement.

"No shit." I mumbled.

"He's really not the same guy you knew. He takes betrayal seriously, especially when it comes to girls. And that's because of what happened with you." He continued.

"You didn't want to be yourself in front of him because you were so afraid of what he'd do after all this time. And at first, I was just letting you do whatever you wanted, but shit started getting so complicated. So, I wanted you to see what it's really like when Jimin gets like this."

I kept my eyes on him as my face scrunched in more confusion.

"You wanted to be a 'random' girl in his life instead of telling him who you are. So, that's what I let you be. Because you know as well as I do that Jimin would never do any of this if he knew who you were. And no other girl was ever going to mean as much to him as you." He concluded.

His words seemed to be running right through me. He had an explanation, but it no longer seemed to register as a good one.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I snapped, "You did all of this to prove a point? What the hell made you think you had any right to do this?"

He didn't look surprised by my reaction. It was as if he had thought all this through.

"You really thought that I could sit around and let you continue stringing him along while you toyed with his feelings? You've confused the living shit out of him! He actually thought you might be you and then you made him feel crazy for even thinking about it!"

The anger had disappeared from my face as everything he said really started to settle in. Jungkook was the youngest out of everyone, so he had the most loyalty to the boy who basically helped raise him. Tae may have been Jimin's best friend after me, but Taehyung still knew me better than Jungkook did.

Taehyung. I couldn't even let myself think about him at the moment.

My silence was enough indication for him to continue his speech.

"You want to be mad at me for what I did? Fine, be mad, but how is what you've done any different? You lied to Jimin, gave him only enough information while still protecting yourself first, and most of all, you hurt him. Maybe he will go nuts if he finds out who you are. Maybe he'll be mad at you, but doesn't he deserve to make that choice on his own? After what you did to him the first time, can't you respect him enough to face him? Don't you love him enough to do that?" He pleaded.

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