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390 33 62

Tina P.O.V.

My heart sank at hearing the voice coming through the phone.

Bitch, it's been one day.

"Two days in a row of talking to you is more than a saint could handle Seulgi." I hissed at her.

"And it's more than you deserve, but I'm checking in to make sure you're behaving yourself Oegugin."

I felt my rage building up at her words. People may have referred to me as someone who was "stuck up", but it never bothered me. I knew myself better than that. I grew up in a lifestyle most people would only dream of, and sometimes, I let it show so that people wouldn't mess with me for not being the same as them.

I don't let people treat me like this.

But what was I to do? I didn't want to rile her up into coming in the dorm one of these days. So, I decided to feed her some of last night to shut her up.

"You'll be happy to know we fought last night. I was so distraught about our conversation that I needed to get a drink with a friend, came home late, and walked into Jimin watching me get dropped off by another guy."

"Music to my ears." She hummed, "I'm glad he's witnessing how trashy you really are."

Too far Seulgi.

I couldn't let her off so easily without striking back.

My turn.

"Oh, it was bad. So bad that he punched the wall next to me. Upset isn't even the word to describe how he felt seeing me come home with another man. He was devastated to think that I would rather have someone else over him. Imagine how he'd feel if he knew you were trying to keep me from him. Imagine how he'd feel if he knew you were trying to get me to leave him again." My voice getting slightly louder at the end.

She was quiet for a moment, before she ended our conversation.

"Watch yourself. And end it. Or I'll end Jimin's career along with you." She spat before hanging up the phone.

It must hurt that he never cared as much for you.

I knew it was petty, but I didn't care. You want to call me a foreigner? Fine, but I'll make sure you know how Jimin feels about this foreigner.

But her words were replaying in my mind. How could she end Jimin's career? I sighed heavily as I rubbed my temples. I turned to Jisung and handed him back his phone.

My thoughts were quickly interrupted by Hoseok, who seemed to have snuck up from behind me.

"Hi Hobi, is everything okay?" I asked, trying to absorb the expression on his face.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What about you?" He quizzed.

"What do you mean?" I tilted my head as he became more uncomfortable.

"You just seem tense, that's all." He said relaxing himself, "Is everything okay?"

"Of course. I'm just tired after last night. So, if you guys are all set, let's go home."

Hoseok's interrogation of me was awkward for a moment, but I let it go when we got to the car. He and I had already eaten during the shoot and I had made sure that the boys ate at BigHit. I was excited to go home because I really was tired, but at the same time, I didn't want to see Jimin.

As much as I tried to ignore Seulgi's words, I could see she wasn't going to easily disappear and neither were the issues that came with her.

I had to remind myself that the dorm was our domain though. We would be from anyone's eye, as long as she didn't decide to pay us an unannounced visit.

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