t h i r t y

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Tina P.O.V.

I ran out of their so quickly, someone would swear that I was being attacked. And in my mind, for a split second, I felt like I was. I couldn't decide on what I was feeling. The feeling of guilt for thinking of Jimin this way, or the feeling of fear I was starting to feel around him. 

Why is he doing this? 

I feel like I've gotten intimate with a stranger, this dark stranger who was what? Using his power from fame and new wealth to assert his authority over me? 

I tried to shake the thoughts out of my head as I kept my feet moving. Jungkook caught my frantic energy and his grasp on my arm threw me in a shocked frenzy, causing me to jump and nearly tumble backward.

"Noona, what's wrong?" 

His voice was stern and concerned, but not surprised.

"Oh, so now you're speaking to me?" 

I ripped his grip off my arm, nearly scratching him before I continued my way out. I didn't hear Jimin coming after me, and maybe it's because he truly doesn't care. 

Maybe I was wrong to ignore what everyone was saying about him. I stopped him from getting what he wants and maybe that was what truly mattered to him. My stomach was flipping at every new thought. 

The sound of feet shuffling after me was quickening the pace of my heart, though it already felt like it was going to rip out of my chest.

"Noona, wait!" 

I felt a grab on my arm again, spinning me around, to face Jungkook again; this time, his face was only showing sorrow and concern. 

"I'm sorry Noona. Please tell me what's wrong. Is it Jimin? Did he...did Jimin do something to you?"

I didn't know what to say. How could I spill out my anxious feelings to this boy without altering his view of a longtime friend? How do I create this dark form of Jimin to Jungkook? I couldn't do it; I couldn't do anything aside from staring down at the ground hoping that he'd let it go. 

I should've known better though.

"I knew it. I fucking knew it! I'm going to kick his ass." 

He quickly turned to run back to Jimin, who had now come out from behind his curtain, watching our entire encounter. 

He looked distraught

His focus quickly changed to Jungkook, who was now charging at him. In the blink of an eye, they were rolling around on the ground, both struggling to get on top of one another. 

Their tension finally erupted, allowing them both to relinquish their pent up anger with each other. Their animalistic yelling and movements caused everyone to panic and stir. 

The other boys ran over in an attempt to split them apart. They were ripping through everyone to keep landing their hands on each other; they were kicking, scratching, and attempting to land their fists on one another.

I could no longer keep my feet planted watching everyone's struggled attempts to end the scene. I ran to them as quickly as my legs would allow. I couldn't figure out, but I managed to throw myself into them, trying to get them apart.

 They were yelling, the other boys were yelling, we were all yelling.

I don't know where it came from; I don't know whose fault it was. It was one of them or one of their fists I should say, that finally concluded the fight. 

Disruption • P.JMWhere stories live. Discover now