s i x t e e n

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The last time someone came to my door when I missed dinner, it was Jimin, and I didn't think I was ready to deal with him again. I hesitantly opened my door only to see Jin and Jungkook with food.

"We figured you'd be hungry Noona." 

They nearly brought me to tears; it was too sweet. We sat around together on my bed as I ate and had some fun conversations with them. Until Jungkook brought currents events back up. 

"So are you and Jimin okay?" He asked hesitantly.

"What are you talking about? We're fine, Kookie, stop worrying about me and Jimin." I tried to laugh it off, but they all really must have been watching us.

"You know Tina, we are eight people altogether; sometimes there isn't much to pay attention to considering we've lived together for years and you're new for us. Do you want to let us in on what's going on?" 

I came into my room to get away from what was happening with me and Jimin, not to relive the horror I was mentally dealing with.

"There's nothing to know about because there's nothing between me and Jimin." my words started trailing off as I was getting lost in my own thoughts. The thought about how much it felt like Jimin hated me was only weighing down on me more. 

"And there never will be." I concluded.

The statement out loud from my own mouth made my heart feel so heavy. It definitely sucks to realize it. Being so caught up in my own thoughts I must have not heard or noticed until I looked up at Jin and Jungkook who were staring at my door. 

My nervous curiosity made me hesitantly turn my head hoping I wasn't going to see Jimin.


"Well, look at that. You're a trio now?" 

He scoffed before leaving and harshly closing the door behind him. Did he hear me? As if I couldn't make this any worse. I fell backward on my bed and grabbed a pillow to cover my face before I let out a scream into it.

"So, you said there's nothing going on with you two?" Jin laughed, "Why's he mad that we're in here with you anyways?"

"He's not mad at you guys. He's mad at me." I mumbled into the pillow.

"I told you he's an asshole Noona." Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Kookie, don't call him that. He's not." 

I am, and I make him act like one though.

Taehyung came into my room next with Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok looking confused and nervous.

"Did...Did something happen with Jimin?" Taehyung hesitantly asked.

"Why? What happened?"I questioned as  I shot up on my bed. 

"He just came into our room where we were chilling, kicked us all out, and slammed the door on us."


"He didn't look that bothered when he was in here, but he didn't exactly look happy to see us in here in Tina's room." Jin said to them. 

It was hard to make them collectively understand what was going on. Jungkook, Jin, and Hoseok didn't know who I was and the fewer people that knew, the fewer chances there were of Jimin finding out. So, there was no logical way of explaining the constant roller coaster we were dealing with.

"Well, you guys are more than welcome to hang out in here." I shrugged at them and they proceeded to take their seats in my room.

"Why is your room so huge Tina? And we're the ones sharing with each other!" Namjoon laughed as the tense air slowly dissipated.

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