ItDoHCH part 17

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(I don't own the image above.)
Damor swam back to his home as quickly as he could.

Please Holly! He thought. Please say you never left the cave!

As he made his way through the cave's ocean entrance, he vehemently breached through to water's surface. He was hoping to find her waiting for him.

"Holly!" He cried, but she wasn't there. "Oh my god!  Why did she leave?"

His heart began to race, as he started to panic. As fast as his tail could take him, he made his way out to the beach.

"HOLLY!" He cried. But again, she was nowhere to be found. Then to his horror, he looked down at the tracks in the sand. He could tell that they had been there, as he saw their vial tentacle prints in the sand. He also saw what look like human footprints, which had been running towards the shore.  However they all of a sudden stopped. Where the footprints ended, giant tentacle prints began.

It didn't take a genius to figure out what had happened.  Somehow the despicable sea demons tricked her into leaving the safety of the cave. Then when she realized what was actually happening, she tired to get away. But, only to have the kraken waiting for her. Just like it had taken his Alliea from him, it had also taken his Holly Hobby. Devastated, Damor began to cry out in anger!

"Why Holly?" He exclaimed. "Why did you leave the cave?"  He then fell to the sand, and began pounding his fist in anger. His world had now been taken from him. She had become his everything. Tears began to pour from his eyes, like waterfalls.

Why did I leave you? He wondered as he continued to cry. This is all my fault!

How was he going to find her?  It had taken him a year to find Alliea, and that involved being thwarted by only one Cacaelian.  But now there was two of them hiding Holly, in all likelihood it was going to be much more difficult to find them. True, he had no trouble finding them when Alliea's own sons actually raped her. But they were not hiding from him at the time.

However, he knew that they had been hiding from him, ever since Alliea took her own life—just as he had been hiding from them. But he was going to have to try anyway, even though he knew there was a good chance that they would be waiting for them.  How was he going to be able to rescue her in Cacaelian territory?

It didn't matter, he didn't care. He was going to find her, or at least die trying. Whether or not he survived the confrontation, he was going to rescue her from his perverted nephews. The only question was, how?  How did they figure out where she was?

All of a sudden he saw a tiny object that shining in the sunlight. It was located where the beast had apparently grabbed Holly.  He quickly made his way over to it, and picked up the shiny object. It was a ring, with a giant blue gem, that had been surrounded by smaller colorless gems.

But it wasn't Holly's, she hadn't been wearing a ring when he first found her. As he continued to look at it, he noticed some some strange symbols that had been etched inside the band. It must have been the human's language. Unfortunately, he couldn't understand human writing, he couldn't read what it said. But at that moment he began to see images, the ring had obviously been enchanted.

For the most part it showed flashes of people he didn't know. However it started out with a younger image of Holly hugging an older man.  It then flashed through many images of the same man, who showed pure love in his eyes towards a younger dark haired woman with whom he presented the ring. She in turn also looked at him with nothing but love in her eyes. Was this Alicia?  He then saw Holly sitting on shore, as the ring magically came to her.

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