Chapter 14

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Before, whenever I used to hear the name 'library' when it came to my school lessons, I would run for my life in the opposite direction, but it wasn't a surprise that I spent most of my free time in Hogwarts' library, reading about ghosts, werewolves, and vampires.

     I was in the potions' section that day, trying to figure out how to turn someone's skin like the skin of a toad. I had a few books already in my hands as I looked through the shelves, that a voice suddenly said behind me, "Hi!"

     Startled, I gave a squeak, my books all falling on the ground. Turning around with my eyes widened in shock, I saw a Durmstrang boy, in his red robes.

     He had chocolatey brown eyes and his dark hair was so short that it looked as if he had just recently shaved it.

      "Oh, I'm so sorry," he said as we both bent down to pick up the fallen books. "I didn't mean to scare you, or anything."

     "No, it's alright." I shook my hand reassuringly, taking my book from him. "Thanks."

     "I'm Ivan. Can I know your name?" He asked, leaning against the shelf with his tall feature, smiling down at me handsomely.

"I'm Lexi," I said, making my way over to Madam Pince and handing her the three books.

"I've actually been meaning to come and talk to you," he said rather loudly, receiving a glare from Madam Pince who was writing my name down for the books.

     "That's – er – very nice of you," I smiled politely.

Grabbing my books and exiting the library, I saw Ivan following me out as well. "I've seen you many times before; mostly by the lake. You're always reading, I noticed."

     "Yeah, I've recently been enjoying reading." I said, trying to keep up a polite conversation.

     "What else do you like to do in your free times?"

     "I dunno," I shrugged uninterestedly.

Before I could take another step, Ivan walked in front of me, blocking my way. I noticed a little blush running across his cheeks as he stared down awkwardly at his feet.

"Okay, how about this," he started with a grin, "we can meet up after your classes in this hall, and have a little chat. What do you say?"

"Hmm... we'll see," I said with a grin, turning to leave.

"Wait? Really!?" he exclaimed, both in disbelief and excitement. "You'll consider it?"

"Why? Were you not expecting me to?" I asked amusingly, glancing around at him.

"No, not really. I actually thought I'd first have to convince you that I'm not a serial killer," he said, making me chuckle.

"Well, at that hour the corridors are full of students, so it would be pretty hard to kill me," I said, trying to suppress a grin. Although I then narrowed my eyes at him, saying in a suspicious dark voice, "But then again... what are the chances that we are both serial killers?"

I finally let the smile creep through my face and so I winked at him, turning on my heels and leaving the corridor.


Sitting down alone on the Gryffindor table for lunch, I put brown hair in a bun and placed a book before me, skimming through its pages which contained the names of different poisonous potions and ways of recognizing them.

I was nearly done with my food that I saw Fred and George walking in the Great Hall, whispering to each other suspiciously. But when they spotted me, they grinned and came forward.

Oh, this can't be good, I thought with a groan.

They took the seats before me and sat down, still grinning mischievously. "What?" I finally said after a minute of awkward staring.

"Lee told us that he saw you with a Durmstrang boy today." George finally said.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, yes, cause now that I was seen talking to him, it probably means that we're gonna get married next month."

"I knew it!" George gasped dramatically and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"So what if we were talking?" I shrugged. "There's no harm in an innocent chat."

"There is no such a thing as an innocent chat!" said George grimly.

"Yeah! You can't hang out with him!" Fred blurted out, who was suspiciously quiet throughout this conversation.

"And why not?" I folded my arms.

"Because – because," he thought a bit before saying, "George, back me up here!"

"Because we're your friends and you have to consult with us before you go around snogging people!" said George.

"Snogging?" I repeated in disgust. "Okay, first of all, I don't want to go snogging him just because we were talking. Second, what makes you think that I would ever talk to you about someone who I find interesting?"

"Because friends don't keep secrets from each other!" George said proudly.

"Oh yeah?" I grinned at them knowingly, "By the way, how's Mr. Bagman? Have you sent him the letter yet?"

Satisfied with the looks of horror and shock on their faces, I stood up from the table and took my book.

"Goodbye, boys." and by sending a wink at them, I left the Great Hall, leaving them dazed.


I wasn't going to go, but after my chat with the Weasley twins, I was irritated and decided to give it a go. I waited impatiently for four o'clock to arrive and made my way down the hall outside of the library.

     Immediately, I spotted Ivan there, leaning against the wall. When he saw me, he came forward with a grin playing on his lips.

"How did you know I would come?" I said as I reached him.

     "Well, I was just hoping," he shrugged and smiled down at me.

     We sat there on the ground leaning against the wall for the next hour, as Ivan told me all about Durmstrang and I listened with interest, secretly hoping that I could visit other Wizarding schools one day.

     At last, Ivan stood up and raised his hand for me to take and when he helped me up, he accompanied me back to the Gryffindor common room. And so, with a light bow of his head, he bid me goodbye and left my side.

I couldn't wipe away the smile from my face, as I said the password and walked through the portrait hole and into the Gryffindor common room.

But I was startled by a voice which called out to me, "Back so early from your date, Professor Snappy?"

And turning around, I saw Fred and George standing in a dark corner, their arms folded as they narrowed their eyes down at me.

Oh, dear. We are in trouble.

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