Chapter 6

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The next day Nicole and her mom went to the movies.

As they were walking out of the theater, Asia looks at Nicole and Nicole was on her phone.

"Girl you have been glued to the phone since I got you", Asia said.

"Sorry", Nicole said with a smile.

Asia makes a face then stops. "Who is he?", she asked.

"Who's who?", Nicole asked.

"What ever boy it is that got you cheesing from ear to ear", asia said as they started walking again.

"Um...Tre", she said.

"A new Tre?", Asia asked.

"No..KJ's dad, Tre", Nicole responded.

"Since when!?", Asia asked.

"Since yesterday. Mom look it wasn't his fault", she said.

"How is that possibly not his fault Nicole?", Asia asked.

"Because his mom didn't want him with me anymore once she found out I was pregnant and Dad didn't make it any better because he told Tre I got an abortion", Nicole said.

"Baby, I had your dad go talk to his mom about the whole baby situation when I found out that Tre was ignoring you and his mom knew nothing about it", Asia said.

"Yes she did. They even moved to the other side of the city", Nicole argues.

"Listen I don't know anything about that but I do know that she didn't know about you being pregnant until your dad went to go talk to her and Tre but unfortunately Tre wasn't there at the time", she said.

Nicole was quiet.

"He ignored you because he chose to", Asia said.

"And I'm stupid", Nicole said.

"No you're not. You're the smartest young lady I know. Sometimes when it comes to the people you have feelings for, you don't use your brain. Take me for instance, I mean your older now and don't take this and make your dad the bad guy"

"He's already the bad guy", Nicole said as she rolled her eyes.

"What did he do now?", asia asked.

"I just told you. He kept Tre away from me.. from KJ", Nicole said.

"And that's your dad being your dad", Asia said. "He May do some messed up stuff but everything he did or does is for a reason"

Nicole sighs.

"Now like I was saying. Your dad wasn't usually the type of guy I went for. He was a killer, a criminal and I mean he treated me right, helped me and protected me as much as he could but it was times where I was treated wrong", Asia said. "But I stayed because of my feelings. Not saying it was the worst mistake I made because I got my beautiful babies out of it. But moral to the story is, it took me time to realize I was in a toxic relationship. Sometimes you don't realize it at first sometimes you have to fight with your heart and use your brain, because your brain may be telling you when it's time to let go but your heart carries onto what once was. I'm not saying that Tre doesn't deserve a second chance but baby imma need you to use your brain at all times and that's with anyone"

Second Chances: Sequel to Til Death Do Us PartWhere stories live. Discover now