Chapter 33

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A month later was thanksgiving and Asia and Kim were setting the table.

"You okay Kimmy?", Asia asked.

"Yea, I'm just ready to eat", Kim said.

"...hey, I know this is your first thanksgiving without your dad, but-"

"Mom. I'm fine", Kim said.

Asia got quiet and nods.

Nicole walks into the kitchen. "You know I miss going to two houses for thanksgiving", Nicole said.

"Well I guess you'll settle for one", Asia said.

"I guess I just won't eat Turkey this year", Nicole mumbled.

Kim heard her and held back her laugh.

"What?", Asia asked.

"Listen mom. I love you. I really do but ... your Turkey is always dry", Nicole said.

Asia raised her eyebrows. "Well don't eat any of my food then", Asia said.

Nicole chuckles. "Mom really?", Nicole asked.

"Really", Asia replied.

Josh walked into the kitchen. "I feel some hostility in here", Josh said.

"We were just talking about how mom cooks the best Turkey", Nicole said.

Kim looks at Josh as he talks.

Josh walks up next to your mom and looks at her for a second then starts talking to Nicole. "Yes. The best indeed", he said his eyebrows raised.

Nicole smiles because him and her were on the same page.

"Y'all both can get out and have ya own food", Asia said.

"Or at least one of you can", Kim said as she walked out the kitchen.

"Well", Josh said. "I guess I am not welcome for thanksgiving"

"You and Junior are very much welcome. She's just..."

Nicole cuts her off. "Trying to figure out if my dad is trying to replace hers?", Nicole asked. "Yea sometimes I wonder to"

"...I guess that explains why she's been acting like that since you got here today", Asia said. "And Nicole no, your dad and I are not getting back together"

"According to Kim, you guys talk on the phone every night", Nicole said.

"What's wrong with that?", Josh asked.

"What's wrong is that I don't want you guys together", Nicole said. "I love you both two don't need to be together"

"We never said we were getting together and you know what let's make this even better and end this conversation", Asia said. "Go do something productive. Call Tre or something"

Nicole folded her arms and walked out the kitchen. She walked to her phone to check to see if Tre texted her back. He was down in Florida with his family for thanksgiving. He didn't text her back yet but she assumed that because when he gets around his cousins they play basketball and stuff.

Nicole sat down next to Kim. "Hey, girl", Nicole said.

"Hey", Kim replied.

" know nobody could ever replace your dad right?", Nicole asked.

"Of course. He was one of a kind", Kim said.

"Yea, he was...but I'm just saying that there will be a next guy coming around whether or not it's my dad or somebody else", Nicole said. "And Jamal wouldn't be mad at that"

Second Chances: Sequel to Til Death Do Us PartWhere stories live. Discover now