Chapter 43

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The next morning, Asia picked Nicole up while the kids were with Jayla.

"Before we go, when did you find out that you were pregnant?", Asia asked.

"A few days ago", Nicole replied.

"...does Tre know?", Asia asked.

"No. Because it's not his", Nicole said.

Asia looked forward. "...that other guy's?", Asia asked.

"Yes", Nicole replied.

"Why didn't you tell me about that?", Asia asked.

"Mom, look. I just wanna go get the pills and start taking them so I can get rid of this baby", Nicole said.

Asia started the car. "Okay", she said. "But are you sure it isn't Tre's"

"I'm positive", Nicole said. "And even if it is...I can't take having a child right now. I'm already a burden to you guys when I had KJ"

"No you're not", Asia said.

"That's not what dad thinks", Nicole said.

Asia started driving. "Your dad doesn't think that. He's just acting the way he has been acting because he thinks it's time for you to learn some responsibility", Asia said.

Nicole looked at Asia.

"And I think so too. I've babied you enough", Asia said.

"Mom?", Nicole asked.

"Yes?", Asia asked.

"When we were in that car crash because of Jamal's crazy ex girlfriend", Nicole said.

Asia sighed. "Yes", she replied.

"I was so scared", Nicole said.

"Me too", Asia said. "Not for me, but more so you. I thought that I was going to loose you"

Nicole looked forward. "What was worst? Me or Kobi?", Nicole asked.

"Equal...only difference is with one I didn't get a miracle", Asia said.

Nicole looked at Asia.

"...sometimes I feel like he's not even dead", Asia said. "I don't know if it's because I want it to be true or what. But I just have this feeling this feeling"

Nicole looked out the window.

"I know it sounds crazy but...that's just the way I feel", Asia said.

"It doesn't sound crazy", Nicole said. "You just miss him"

Asia sighed. "You're right about that", she said.



"Woah", Tre said. "You fouling like a muthafucka"

"That's the point of street ball", the guy said.

"Okay but when I knock yo ass down don't say shit", Tre said. "Check up"

Tre passed him the ball.

He caught it. "May the best man win", he said as he passed it back to Tre.

Tre caught the ball and they started playing.

Tre scored the first point and he walked back to the top to check it up with him.

"Ay, ain't that wifey?", the guy asked.

Tre looked back thinking he was talking about Nicole but it was his ex. She didn't noticed him and he was glad for it. Tre looked back at the guy and checked the ball up with him.

Second Chances: Sequel to Til Death Do Us PartWhere stories live. Discover now