(1) Bride? or friend?

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Fred POV

It was one those days. Our ‘brides’ were coming over. None of us were happy with this. And don’t take it wrong. All of the girls our parents set up for us were nice, but none of us were feeling a spark. And I was planning to tell mine that today. I just hope that I won’t break her heart that way, because she became a really good friend. Just not my type of bride. I don’t even like women, but if I told my parents that, they would be mad.
“Who is ready for another day with our beloved brides?” Shadow said, as happy and innocent as possible, since our parents were in hearing distance.

“Why of course we are” Goldie and I responded in an all too innocent voice.
It was good enough to fool our parents, but we knew what we meant by that tone.
Thank goodness that our parents didn’t notice that, otherwise we would be disowned.
That’s why one of us needed to marry a girl. So he could become king, and change the rules for the other three.
The most logical one to do that would be Freddy, since he is the heir to the throne anyway. But how he looks at two of our servants, that’s not going to happen.

“Darlings, your beloved brides have arrived!” Our mother yelled.
“Coming mother” My three brothers and I yelled back, and walked towards the entrance hall.
There stood four girls. Three of them had blond hair, the fourth one had black hair. If I didn’t know better she could have been Shadows sister. All eight of us looked at each other for a moment. But ‘my’ girl was the first to move.
“Fred, it’s so good to see you again. I missed you” She said, giving me a hug.
Of course I hugged back, forced bride or not, I can never deny a hug from anyone.
“I missed you too TiChi. How are you doing?” I asked her, letting go of the hug.

It wasn’t even a lie. I did miss her, but more because it can get quite lonely in a big castle like ours.
“Shall we go to my room?” I asked, needing to be ‘the perfect prince’ for my parents.
The moment we were around the corner, I let my fake smile drop. I was still smiling, because I was happy that I wouldn’t be alone for the next couple of hours. But TiChi noticed this.
“Fred, are you alright? Your expression changed so suddenly” TiChi asked.
She did care for me, that’s why I liked her, as a friend, not a bride.

“I will tell you when we’re in our room, alright?” I asked, wanting privacy for the both of us.
When we finally got to my room, I opened the door, and held it for her, showing my manners, so the guards can see.
When I closed my door behind me, I finally could put that ‘mask’ away.
I sat on my bed and mentioned for TiChi to sit besides me.
“Listen TiChi, I like you, quite a lot, but not as a bride. I hope that we can still be friends, because you’re really my best friend” I said, having taken her hand in mine.

“O thank goodness that you feel the same” she said, seeming relieved about what I said.
“Wait, what?” I asked.
“What you said, that you liked me as a friend, but not as a bride. I feel the same way about you. You’re amazing Fred, but you’re not my type when it comes down to romance. But you’re my best friend too”
“Wait, so all this time was a lie? All the fun we had together?” I asked, with a fake heartbroken voice.
“No it wasn’t. It was genuine, but not romantic”

“Then you’re a really good actresses” I said, being impressed by her actions now.
“Thanks. I was always fascinated by theater, I go to them as often as I can”
“Then may I ask you out on a date to the theater?” I said in my high class asshole voice.
“I would be delighted darling” She replied in the same kind of voice.
We looked at each other for  moment, before erupting into laughter.

“I’m happy with you as one of my friends” She said, laying down on my bed.
“Unfortunately our parents think different about this” I said, my bear ears drooping down, remembering what our parents want from us.
“Do you brothers have the same problem? Not being happy with their arranged brides”
“O no, they aren’t happy with them, but we’re figuring out who we do like”
“What do you mean?” She asked, turning her head to look at me.
“Well, I think I have figured it out, but I’m not 100% sure. You want to know who I think it is?”
“Yeah, it sounds fun”

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