9. The Hell of Kaz Brekker [ENG] | Six of Crows

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Questa è una delle mie ff più crudeli. Anzi, la mia headcanon più crudele.
L'ho pensata come una di quelle headcanon che si trovano su tumblr, quindi mi è venuta fuori in inglese. Non credo sia difficile come inglese, ma se non capite qualcosa, chiedete pure e correggete anche. Ho un B1 a dir tanto, non credo di aver fatto un così ottimo lavoro.
Enjoy and don't cry

- ♣️-

Categoria: Headcanon/what if
Fandom: Sei di Corvi
Protagonista: Kaz Brekker
Spoiler: De Il Regno Corrotto, anche se non è diretto


It happens someday that someone captures Kaz. Someone who really hates him and is clever enough to find and take him when he's sleeping or during the day, even if there is Inej with him.

This person doesn't want to kill Kaz Brekker. It isn't enough. He wants to make him go out of mind, to torture him until he dies, either physically or mentally.

While his friends try to find a way to free him, Kaz suffers, even if it takes time to his jailers to understand why. They touch him frequently and at some point he ends up without any shirt to cover him.

This is when they find out his secret and they start to torture him this way, touching him whenever it's possible and torturing him like before at the same time.

In the meanwhile, his friends have a plan, not as clever as his ones, but it can work. But the problem is that it can take time, maybe days or weeks, and no one wants Kaz to think they don't want to save him.

Inej is the one that whispers Kaz the words that keep him sane. "We are going to free you. Kaz. Wait for us".

And some days later they come. Two groups, one to distract the enemy and destroy stuff - Wylan and Nina -, another to rescue Kaz - Inej and Jesper.

They find him, thanks to the guards outside the door of the room. He's in chains, unconscious, full of terrible wounds, half naked. And neither Inej nor Jesper know how to take him out without touching him.

In the end they find out a way. They free him thanks to Jesper powers, they cover their own skin and they put him on his own feet.

And Kaz wakes up. He's terrified, he doesn't even know if he's in the water or elsewhere, not ready to suffer again, but someway he recognize the touch of who is holding him. He recognize Inej, he understands someway that the other is Jesper - who else could open chains that neither keys nor jimmys can open? -, and even if he feels so fucking bad he can pass out again any moment, he feels safe.

They make it. They carry Kaz to their new refuge, and they do everything they can to help him recover. It isn't easy, because every fast movement makes him flinch, every loud sound has the same effect - in particular screams - and someone has to help him with his wounds, because they are mostly on his back and he can't bandage himself. This means, someone has to touch him.

Kaz doesn't want that, but he ends up on his bed, Inej behind him, doing her best to bandage him without touching his skin with her hands. It happens sometimes, but Kaz does his best to ignore that, even if the water follows him every time.

And finally Kaz recovers. No one can touch him anymore, even if he's fully dressed, and he becomes even worse than before. No one knows why, except the friends that stayed with him all of the time.

No one talks about that ever again.

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