The commercial shooting

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The next day, they went to the Hitohara Industries building to shoot the commercial. They found it pretty boring, especially Hwoarang and Miguel. Asuka and Leo too.
"Can we just get this over with?" Asuka kept saying. "How long are they gonna take?"
"Relax, Asuka," said Lili, shaping her nails. "Why are you never patient?"
"Because I'm not," said Asuka. "It's just how I am."
"I've always wondered," said Leo. "How on earth did you become the gang mediator in the streets of Osaka? You out of everyone?"
"Because I'm good at stopping fights," said Asuka. "You should see me in action one day."
"On second thought, no thanks," said Leo. "I have other things to do."
"Like finding out what happened to your mom?" Lili asked, looking up from her nails. "Oh wait that's done, isn't it?"
"Well yeah," said Leo. "How can you even forget? I literally came to your house with my whole family like three days ago..."
"Well I have lots of stuff in my mind," said Lili, going back to her nails. "Like my nails."
"Well me too," said Leo and got up. "Something tells me it isn't as dull to hang out with the guys instead."
She went to sit with Steve and Hwoarang instead. They were discussing about the plan with Shasha and Zafina.
Just before she could go and sit at the empty spot next to them, Christie walked ahead of her and bagged the spot before she could. Leo stared after her in a mixture of shock and confusion.
"Hey guys," Christie said, sitting down on the empty between Shasha and Steve. "So what were you guys talking about?"
"Oh nothing, really," said Shasha. "We were talking about what we would be getting for lunch."
"Oh okay," said Christie. "Hey Zafina, are you okay? You had the bad stomach pain yesterday. I was worried! How are you feeling now?"
"Huh? Oh yeah I'm feeling better now," said Zafina while Shasha hid a grin and tried hard to not laugh at the episode the day before. "But we realised that you followed us. Why's that?"
"Wait what?" Christie asked, her face turning red in embarrassment. "No! Now why would I follow you? I have no reason to follow you."
"Well we saw you guys on the highway," said Steve. "And I'm pretty sure I saw you tailing my car..."
"Wait that was your car?" Christie asked. "Oh I really didn't know. Now if you'll excuse me..."
She got up and quickly went to another spot, passing the watching Leo. Leo watched her walk by in shock.
Leo decided to join them instead. She sat herself on the seat that was occupied by Christie only a few seconds ago.
"What's up with her?" Leo asked, pointing to where Christie just walked away to. "I wanted to join you guys, but she just speed-walked past me and bagged the seat before me! And then a few minutes later, she just walks off in embarrassment? What's going on?"
"Oh it's a long story, really," said Shasha. "But she's up to something."
"Hmm I can see that," said Leo. "Anyway, care to explain?"
"It's a secret," Hwoarang said mysteriously. "It's a really big secret. We wouldn't want you to blow our cover."
"Fine whatever," said Leo. "But I can definitely see that it's a lot better to hang out with you guys instead of with those girls. Now I know why you decided to leave yesterday, Shasha."
"Haha yeah," said Shasha. "Well that was mainly because I wasn't really interested in their conversation."
"Well same here," said Leo. "Always talking about some celebrity who's too rich and doesn't know what to do with their money."
"I know right," said Zafina. "Like who cares what they do? There's so much more to care in this world."
"Like biking," said Hwoarang. "And fighting. Oh and disturbing Kazama."
"Getting scolded by Master Baek," said Steve. "Being forced to do a thousand push-ups."
"And then complaining about it the next day," Miguel added. "And also by collecting all the traffic summons that you get for speeding in the highway."
"Okay okay I get it," said Hwoarang. "But admit it, it is fun to disturb Jin once in a while, right?"
"Yeah fine," said Steve. "But I still can't believe you went as far as dressing up in traditional Chinese clothing just to mess with him."
"Yeah you're very lucky that his Devil Gene is under control," said Zafina. "Or else you wouldn't be here by now."
"Hey, I have survived his devil attacks before okay," said Hwoarang. "But that kinda proves that Jin is a sore loser. He lost to me and decided to ambush me in the highway. Like, how cruel is that?"
"Wait he actually did that?" Leo asked in shock. "That's so mean!"
"He wasn't aware of what he was doing," said Steve. "Mom said that he was trying very hard to keep it under control, but he failed."
"How complicating," said Leo. "Oh and by the way, my mom wants you to visit one day, Steve."
"Sure," said Steve. "I'll come later."
"But don't come home too late," said Shasha. "Remember the plan?"
"Oh yeah," said Hwoarang. "Looks like I have to cancel it..."
"Cancel what?" Almost all of them asked.
"Secret," Hwoarang said lamely.
"You're so lame..." said Miguel. "He was planning to go biking around town."
"You are lame," said Steve. "I'm gonna tell Lei to keep an eye on you, even if he's off duty."
Hwoarang was about to argue, but they had to start shooting the commercial. It didn't take as long as they expected and they were glad that it was over earlier than expected.
All of them gratefully left the building. Steve started coming towards Shasha with his car keys.
"Let me guess, you want me to take your car home again because you wanna go to Leo's place?" Shasha said before he could say anything. "Just give it to me, I'll drive it home."
"Uhh, no," said Steve, annoyed. "Well, you were right about the part where I'm gonna go to Leo's place. But no, I don't want you to take the car home."
"Then?" Shasha asked. "You're gonna leave the car and me stranded here?"
"Seriously?" Steve said, annoyed. "I was gonna call you to go with me. Because, well, Leo says that Emma wants you to visit too."
"What?" Shasha asked in shock. "But why?"
"Because you came too when we broke her out of the lab?"
"Oh right," said Shasha. "But that means Nina and Anna should come too. They came too. Besides, they're the ones that rode us there."
"Way ahead of you," said Steve, showing the texts messages that he sent in the group chat. "How come you never check your messages?"
"My phone's almost always in silent mode," said Shasha. "So come on, then."
They went to the Kliesen residence that wasn't far from where they were. When they arrived, they were surprised to see that the others were already there.

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