Chapter4- Sana Zubair...

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On top is Silsile from Aladdin- Nam to Suna Hoga, I feel like it's a suitable background music for parts of this chap ;)
I open the door and simply walk out branding my bike keys from the table...
I don't know where I'm going... but it's anywhere but here! I need to relax... Faisu has never felt guilty before, what's up with him now?!
I zoom through the lonely streets as I can feel the wind in my hair... I suddenly remember a cozy place I'd once gone to... it was just down the street...
I soon zoom into the small alleyway and there I am standing in front of the small apartment which says Jazz Club in big glowing letters... the apartment in itself radiates a warm glow and it's comforting and reminds me of back when I was 19 and had come here with Faisu and we'd been completely wasted... those were fun times...
I went in and the place was buzzing with slow jazz singing and couples dancing... I walk up to the counter to get a drink...
Lady: what would you like to drink..?
Sid: I would like a Blue Lagoon please!
Lady: coming right up! (I watch sleepily as she mixes the vodka with some lemonade and soon hands me the exotic blue drink)
Sid: thanks...
Lady: no problem (winks)
(I give her a smirk in return which makes her blush and then fluently walk away to find a nice lonely seat in the corner...)
--I spot a nice table by the class window and start to head there and suddenly as I take a step forward someone trips right on my foot and falls face flat in the ground... suddenly everything goes silent and everyone's staring at us... she looks back at me and I can see her bright hazel eyes now glaring at me--
Girl: What the Fuck dude!!!
Sid: gosh I'm sorry! (I pick her up and she slightly groans indicating that she kinda sprained her leg... I walk her over to the table and sit her down)
Sid: (Looking back at everyone else) look I know in hot but you guys don't have to stare at me forever... go on with your lives people!
(Sitting down next to the girl)
Sid: look I'm really sorry... are you badly hurt? (I bend down in front of her to check her sprain as I pick up her leg and slightly massage it... )
Girl: it's fine... you're forgiven...
Sid: ummmm... ok... (picking up her now empty glass) and... I'll get you another one...what were you drinking...
Girl: (now going red with embarrassment) I would rather not tell...
Sid: you can't be serious... it's not like I'm gonna mock you for it (staring into her blue eyes as she stares back into mine... I can see the light lines and sparks as I study her eyes in detail...)
Girl: umm... it was lemonade...
Sid: lemonade with vodka?
Girl: ummm... no just lemonade...! Not everyone wants not get drunk you know!
Sid: (now cracking up and laughing hard...)
Girl: what so funny?!
Sid: nothing it's just that you have terrible taste!
Girl: Excuse me! Lemonade isn't that bad a choice!
Sid: ye... but what's the point of coming to a bar if you're not gonna drink?!! Here have mine... you'll understand what real drinks taste like (winks at her, she hesitated for a moment and but finally takes it... I feel her hand brush against mine as she took the drink from me) (I rush off to get myself another one)
(The lady looked extremely pleased to see me and continuously flirted with me which actually made me a little uncomfortable at this point...I mean she was like 19years old or something...
And in Super reveal clothes...
I just grab my drink from her and headed back to the table where that girl was now sitting...
I go over and sit down across her...--
Sid: how is it? (Indicating to the drink I gave her)
Girl: (Rolls her eyes) I'm gonna admit it... it tastes amazing...!
Sid: of course it does... its suggested by me! (Smirks) (she squints her eyes at me) well... I'm Siddhart Nigam by the way... and you?
Girl: (looking slightly taken aback) ummm... I'm- umm...Sana---Sana Zubair!
Sid: well hi Sana...! U come here often?
Sana: not really... it's my first time...
Sid: it's my second... I came here once with my (sounding slightly sad) friend before...
Sana: u sound sad... is everything alright between you both?
Sid: he's good...! (Staring back at her eyes and studying them again... getting lost in their misty blue shade... then moving onto her freckles... she's very pretty all together...)
Sid: you know you look a lot like that Supermodel... what's her name...- yeah! Avneet Kaur!
Sana: (a little flushed) (sounding hesitant) umm... yeah I get that a lot...
Sid: you probably do... I mean other than the blue eyes and freckles you'd actually pass as Avneet!
Sana: (getting pale) yeah... I guess...
(She looks down at her phone- 3:40am)
Sana: whoa it's frickin 3:40 in the morning! I'm gonna go get some sleep... I haven't slept all night!
Sid: same here... I should go get some too...!
(We walk out together as I look back at her one last time... )
Sid: (stopping her) hey you wanna meet up again?
Sana: sure... here?
Sid: about in front of the Big Part in Minitown just a few lanes from here... I know a great place to go from there... come walking...
Sana: sure... that place is damn close to my house... tomorrow at 10:00am?
Sid: yeah... bye...
Sana: bye...
--I get in my bike and zoom away... dreamy fuzzy thoughts in my head... I know I'll be dreaming of only one thing tonight... Sana Zubair!--
I personally love that last line... I can literally feel that vibe while writing it...

Hope you people are having an amazing quarantine and making the most of this 'blessing' called online classes- please note the sarcasm cuz online classes suck...who else agrees?--->


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