Chapter59- Heartbreak

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Few Things bout to be introduced ☕️☕️ (chai peelo ;))
Jaan POV
(Sid and Avu burst out laughing)
—Avneet is laughing! A genuine, heartfelt laugh!
After more than three years. The sound ringing through my ear. That beautiful jovial laugh.
I've missed it for so very many years, almost forgetting how it sounds.
Flawless and free.

I know this was a challenge that I had put up Siddharth. But still, Thank you.
I owe you as many favors as you want!

Thank you for loving Avu.—

—We sit down on the dining table, as Zayn Enterprises and The Bon Bros Records are having a combined lunch and Rohit sits next to Ashi and Avneet as ty both explain to Ashi and I exactly why they were on the floor on top of each other...
We start to dine on the steak and salad and soon Rohit and Rohan starts to speak about business and I start chatting with Ashi—
Jaan: so... you guys are planning to keep it a secret forever?
Ashi: Siddharth... yup.
Jaan: but why? It's not like anything could change...
Ashi: a lot of things could... everything could.
Starting from his reputation and leading to even his personal life.
And you have no idea how Rohit is affected by Avneet. It's not good.
And I can feel a storm coming.
Jaan: what's that supposed to mean?!

—She was just about to explain when the door flies open and there's a rather loud uproar from a very angry distressed girl.

Whom I recognize to be Ananya Pandey.—

Ananya: Excuse me! Rohit Sehen may I speak to you right now!
Rohit: (bothered and serious) I'm sorry ma'am... but I'm rather busy right now.
Ananya: oh wow! So now you started to all me ma'am too!

Rohit: (to the rest of us very apologetically) I'm sorry for the commission. Please excuse me for a second.
(Rohit walks off leading the girl with him)

Ashi: see... this is what I meant.

Rohit POV
(Very bothered by Ananya interrupting a professional lunch)
Rohit: what!
Ananya: Care to explain Rohit!
(Showing her a set of texts that Rohit had sent last night, sometime around 1:45am)
"(On text) Rohit: This is not working out.
Rohit: I'm sorry. But we just can't be together.
Rohit: I'm breaking up with you. I hope we can still stay friends."

Ananya: Why are you acting like it's totally normal! This is not NORMAL Rohit. Do you have any idea what breakup means!
Rohit: yes I do! And I also know that I want it!
Ananya: (tears roll down her eyes) but it's been two years.
Rohit: 2 years and 3 days. I know. And that's why I want you to go and find someone who would love you even more than I ever did.
Ananya: so you're telling me that it meant nothing to you?! Two whole years of being together. Every single moment that we spent together!
(Taking the gold earrings from her pocket and holding them gently between her fingers) These didn't mean anything to you?!
Rohit: (holding Ananya's shoulders gently to steady her as the tears flow down her eyes and Rohit wipes them away) Ananya... listen, it's not like I didn't love you. I did. But... you deserve better. Much much better.
Someone who isn't as messed up as I am.
Ananya: But I love you! I like this messed up you.
Rohit: (shaking his head as if he wants to tell the whole tale badly... but can't)

Rohit: one day I'll tell you everything. (Wiping her tears away) but today is not the day.
Ananya: No. Rohit wait!
(Rohit just leaves her standing there as he walks out the door and she sits on the floor to steady herself, sobbing miserably)

(Back at the table where everyone's having lunch. Sitting down and acknowledging everyone)
—It's all my fault Ananya.
You never deserved this. Perhaps I was wrong to once have met you and loved you.
If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be heartbroken. —

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