Chapter50- Accidental Death

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(At Faisu and Abhi's penthouse)
(Jannat had gone home and Avu had spread her clothes all over the bed cuz she simply couldn't choose from all of them)
(Faisu, Abhi and Avu the only ones at home. Faisu brushing his teeth (surprisingly) and Abhi just lathering here and there, jobless.)
Avu: so tell me! Does this black one look better or this navy one?
Abhi: ugh, they all look the same! Greyscale!
Avu: then why don't you tell me what I should take!
Abhi: you should wear something colorful! Like this red hoodie, with these blue jeans!
Avu: too colorful.
Abhi: it's what normal people wear!
Avu: (stepping on his foot so hard that he winces) So you're saying I'm not normal!
Abhi: You only tell me! What kinda girl does that! (Pointing at his sore foot)
Avu: oh. Sorry.
Faisu: Looks like my training has come into some use!
Avu: (rolling her eyes)

—Faisu'a phone starts to ring as he walks off to answer it and I just stuff all the remaining clothes into the suitcase and close it with a hell lotta effort.

Then I pack my toothbrush and all the other useless necessities into a handbag.
Then I just stare at the huge mountain of clothes stacked up on the bed and then down at my watch.

Shit! Plus I have to wake up at three for the early flight!
I ain't cleaning all this up!

I just stack all my bags at a corner and walk over to a large couch at the end of the room and collapse on it.
Damn today has been a long day!

That's when I feel something rather hard poke me from behind.
Something which feels like metal, cold and hard. God dammit I don't think the cosmos wants me to get any sleep itself!

I dig my hand into the cushion of the sofa to find the prick when my hand comes across something that seems to take my breath away.
I trace my fingers gently down the body of what I'm feeling under the cushion.
It's metal alright.

I hold my breath and pull it out, only praying badly that it isn't what I think it is.

But when I pull it out, all my prayers go to waste and it's exactly what I think it is.

A gun.

My hands tremble as I feel myself barely be able to hold it.
It's rather small, and my hands can wrap around its handle easily.

Why do these guys have a gun.
I pick up the gun rather traumatized and I guess I make a bit of a fuss cuz I can immediately see Abhi stand up, his face more serious than I've ever seen it, and I watch Faisu also notice me, his expression suddenly turning serious as he dismisses the call and they both walk over to me, and I immediately drop the gun as it falls on the couch.—

Avu: u-uh. Could y-you guys stop looking at me so seriously, you're getting me scared.
Faisu: (to Abhi as they both share a glance)

—they share no words and Faisu just picks up the gun from the couch as if it's totally normal, then lifts the couch cushion and puts it back exactly where it was and then looks up at Abhi, then they both look at me—
Faisu: (to Abhi) what should we do about her?
Avu: (coming back to her senses) WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT SHOULD YOU DO ABOUT ME! Don't speak about me as if you don't even know who I am!
And now you're going to answer me! Both of you!
How the hell do you have a gun!
(Both of them just exchanging confused looks and then looking back at Avu)
Avu: don't act as if it's totally normal to have a gun under your frickin sofa!
Abhi: (to Faisu, completely ignoring Avu) we can't do anything about her. She's Avneet.
Faisu: so... now what?
Abhi: We could drug her...
Avu: WHAT!
Faisu: no. We shouldn't take the risk. Plus tomorrow she has a flight, there might be problems for to the increase in security if we drug her.
Avu: What are you both talking about! Answer me!
Abhi: should we just tell her?
Faisu: let's tell her. (Sharing an understanding look between themselves)

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