Chapter 2

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I look at him while he runs back to our house, the cold wind hits my face and i look back at the lake. I don't know why but i feel like something's really wrong. He's never concerned. Not even when he went bankrupt, he kept on telling me that everything was going to be alright. He wasn't concerned at all. But now?

I shake my head to get my mind off the subject, I take a deep breath and i slowly start running again.

During the run i try my best to get my mind off of my dad, but it's hard.

When i get back at my house i see that my dad's car is already gone, I bite my lip and i get inside. "I'm back!" I yell, but i don't get an answer. Maybe my mom went to the company with him? I kick off my shoes and i walk to my room, I try to decide on what to wear today and i'm not really feeling a cute outfit. I just grab some fresh black sport leggings and a fluffy white sweater, I really love that sweater, it's super soft.

I walk to my bathroom and i get the ponytail out of my hair, I look into the mirror. I have simple brown hair, it's straight and it reaches till my shoulders. I always try to let it grow, but when it's just below my shoulders i start to hate the way it looks and i cut it off again.

I walk to the shower and i wash all the sweat off my body, when i get out the shower i wrap my body in a warm and soft towel, I walk back to my room and i change into my clothes.

I sit down behind my desk, I grab my little notebook i own and I grab a pen. I love to write stories, it's just something i've been doing to make myself feel less lonely. Two years ago when my dad's company wasn't doing that great, kids started picking on me. All the friends i had started to ignore me.. I felt super lonely, my parents were busy with the company so they kinda forgot about me. So i started writing. I made up imaginary stories featuring myself as the lead character. I always imagined that i had amazing friends and that i had the best time of my life.

I know you're wondering right now, what happened to Sophie? Well like i said we are friends since kindergarten, but your imago is super important where i live. And hanging with a kid who's dad is almost broke is not good for your imago at all. She told me that that wasn't the truth but i'm not stupid. I forgave her cause she's my best friend, I wouldn't know what i would do without her.

I find an empty page and i start to write down this idea i have, I haven't touched my notebook in months. But i'm feeling left out right now and it always feels good to write stories.

After like 15 minutes i kinda figured out the story line, the story is again about me. I'm living at this beautiful house nearby the sea, I'm a surfer and i meet these super nice girls with who i connect!

Then I meet this boy who's really cute and nice to me, we talk and talk and we'll eventually end up together.

When i was younger i didn't imagine myself being in a relationship or anything, but now. I've never had a boyfriend and it looks like so much fun. Sophie has a boyfriend, his name's brad, he's nice but i don't like him that much. Since she has a boyfriend, she doesn't hang with me that much anymore. I totally get that but i still don't like it.

So i just imagine that i have a boyfriend now too. I think while a smile appears on my face. It felt nice to plan out a story again. I close my notebook and i get up from my desk, I walk to my little make up table and i look into the mirror. My hair is a mess, I totally forgot to brush it after i got out of the shower so it's super tangled right now.

I grab a hairbrush and i start brushing my hair, when i'm done with that i walk to my window and i look at the street, my dad's car is still gone. 

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