Chapter 27

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After an episode or 2 I decide it's time to go to bed, I put my laptop on my nightstand and I turn off my lights. I lay down and i pull up my covers till my nose.
After a lot of twisting and turning i just can't fall asleep, I grab my phone and look at the time it's 1.05 am. Pfff I really need to fall asleep now, I need to wake up at 6.30 am. I sigh and i put my phone away, I turn on my side and I try to fall asleep.
I wake up from some weird bumping sounds, it sounds like someone is throwing something at my window. I immediately get those movie vibes where the guys hit rocks against the girls' windows. But i know that Corbyn would not do that, he probably doesn't even like me. I sigh and i get up from my bed, I walk to my window and I pull up my blinds, I look outside and i see 4 guys from my school. They're throwing toilet paper around all the trees and they also throw it against the windows. I sigh, I pull down my blinds again and i walk back to my bed. I grab my phone and i check the time, it's now 6.05 am. It's useless to try to sleep now. I decide to just shower and get ready now so i might have some extra time to watch a piece of a new episode of the series you. I enter the bathroom and turn on the shower, I get in and i wash my hair and body. When i'm done with that i turn off the shower and i wrap myself and my hair into warm and soft towels. I walk to my room and i change into the clothes i picked yesterday, some simple black mom jeans and a yellow sweater with a turtleneck. I sit down at my little make up table and i start blow drying my hair, I honestly hate blow drying my hair but in this cold i need to do it. Otherwise i'll have frozen hair when i arrive at school and we do not want that.
When i walk down the stairs I see that my mom is already awake, "Morning mom" I say and i enter the kitchen. "Morning sweetie" she replies and she takes a sip of her coffee. I sit down across my mom with my cereals and I grab my phone out of my back pocket, "Did you see the toilet paper?" I ask and my mom nods, "They were quite loud, that's why i'm already up at this hour" she says and i nod, "Yeah same" I say.
My mom and i talk a bit and then i walk back upstairs, it's now 7.00 am and i need to leave at 7.25 am. I grab my laptop and i start a new episode of you.
When the 25 minutes are over i quickly get up from my bed and i quickly walk down the stairs, I out on my black boots and my coat, "See you tonight mom!" I say, "See you! And have fun today!" my mom replies. I grab my backpack and car keys and leave the house, I walk to my car and throw my backpack inside. Of course those guys thought that it would be funny to wrap my car in with toilet paper too. I sigh and i start with ripping it off.
After like 5 minutes I'm done with doing that and i quickly get in my car and start driving to Corbyn's street.

When I pull up to his street the butterflies in my stomach immediately appear again and I get sweaty palms. I park my car and Corbyn enters it, "Hey!" he says and he smiles at me, "Hi" I reply back and I also smile. For a second i just stare at him, then i notice what i'm doing, I quickly shake my head and I look back at the road. I start the car and our drive to school begins.
During the drive Corbyn is mainly talking, "So how's studying going?" he asks and I shrug my shoulders. "It's okey i guess, some subjects are super easy to study like english and chemistry. But then you have math" I say and Corbyn nods, "Yeah same, why can't I just understand that stuff" he says.
We talk a bit bout math and chemistry and then we arrive at school, I park the car and we both get out.
During our walk to our lockers this guy who also threw toilet paper at my house this morning stops me, "Look who we have here" he says and he looks down at me. I sigh, "What do you want" I say annoyed and I look up to him. "Did you have fun ripping the toilet paper off of your car this morning?" he asks and he smirks, I look at Corbyn and he looks at me with a confused face. "Toilet paper?" he asks and i bite my lip, "Oh yeah you poor little rat, we threw toilet paper at her house and the trees, but of course we couldn't forget about her car" he says and Corbyn shakes his head no. "Wow you guys are so childish" he says and he grabs my hand, "Come on Mia, let's go" he says and he pulls me with him. "You guys make the cutest couple, a thief and a poor rat. Beautiful" the guy yells at us but we both ignore him. When we arrive at our lockers Corbyn stops walking, "Why didn't you tell me he threw toilet paper at your house?" he asks and he looks me right in the eye. "I uh" I say and I try to avoid his eye contact but it's not really working. "I was ashamed i guess" I say and i look at my shoes. "Why?" Corbyn asks with a soft voice and he lifts my head with his hand under my chin. "You don't have to be ashamed okey? Those guys are just assholes" he says and i nod. "Do you need help cleaning up the toilet paper?" he asks and I shake my head no, "Nah my mom and I will manage it, but thanks" I say and he smiles "Anytime". 

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