Chapter 20

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After dinner I walk upstairs to write a paper for chemistry, while walking up the stairs I keep thinking to what my mom says. Do I really like Corbyn? That can't be true right? I literally just met him.
I let myself fall onto my bed and I look up to the ceiling, why does my mom thinks he likes me too? I bet she just said that to make me feel better. I slowly get up from my bed and I walk to my desk, I open my laptop and I start with the paper. When I'm halfway I hear ticking sounds against my window. I get up from my chair and I walk to my window, I look outside and I see kids throwing eggs at our house. I sigh, I close my blinds and I walk back to my desk. Why is everyone so incredibly rude? My dad made a stupid mistake and we're the ones who are dealing with the consequences...

When my paper is finally done I change into my pj's and I walk to my bathroom, I wash my face and I brush my teeth. During that I keep thinking bout Corbyn, how he stood up for me. The way he smiles, gosh my mom's definitely right, I can't keep my mind off of him.

When my alarm goes off the next morning I groan and get up, I turn on the little lamp next to my bed. I swing my legs out of my bed and I slowly walk to the bathroom, I turn on the shower and I grab a towel. I get in the shower and wash my hair and body. When it's really time for me to get out I wrap myself in a towel and I walk to my closet. What am I gonna wear today?

After five minutes of debating what outfit Corbyn will like better I decide to go for some plaid red pants and a white sweater. I feel so stupid that I'm trying to guess what Corbyn likes. Gosh why do I like him so much? I just met that guy! I change into the clothes and I walk to my little make up table, I just put on some mascara and I do my brows, when I'm done with that I quickly blow dry my hair.

I walk down the stairs with my back pack on my back, I put it down next to the little bench by the front door. My mom is already in the kitchen, "Hey mom!" I say and I grab a bowl for my cereals. "Goodmorning" my mom says and she smiles at me. "How did you sleep?" she asks and I shrug my shoulders, "I slept fine, did you see the eggs those kids threw last night?" I ask and my mom nods. "Yeah I saw them... I'm gonna clean that up after my job interview" my mom says and I look at her. "Job interview?" I ask surprised, "Yeah I've decided I don't want to work at the company your dad and I owned. He did things behind my back and I don't like that at all" she says and I nod. I totally get her, my mom also worked at that company but she didn't even know he was stealing money or that he had to leave. "Well good luck! I bet they'll take you!" I say and my mom smiles, "We'll see, well have fun at school sweetie" she says while she grabs her bag. "Thanks! See you tonight" I say and she exits the house.
When I'm done with my breakfast I put on my black boots, my scarf and a hat. It's snowing again and I really don't want to catch a cold. I put on my winter coat and I grab my keys and backpack. I open the door and the cold winter breeze immediately hits my face. The reporters immediately turn their cameras at me. I sigh and I start walking to my car. It's snowing really bad at the moment so I need to scratch the ice off of my windows. Shit I hope I'll make it on time.
I quickly start my car and I start to scrape the ice off of the windows, I forgot my gloves so my hands are literally freezing at the moment.

When I'm finally done with scraping the ice off I quickly get in my car andi turn on the heat. I start my car and I drive to Corbyn. While I was scraping the ice off of my windows those reporters just kept asking questions. They just can't shut the fuck up for a second. It's getting more and more annoying. And now we also have to clean off the eggs.

While driving to Corbyn I keep thinking bout him, is he gonna like my outfit? He probably won't even notice what I'm wearing! He doesn't like me! He's just my friend.

When I enter his street I already see him standing there on the street, okey Mia focus, be normal. I park my car and I unlock the doors.
"Morning!" Corbyn says as he gets in, "M-morning" I say while I trip over my own words. My cheeks immediately heat up, are you kidding me?

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