Chapter 18

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Corbyn's pov:

I enter my house and i walk to our living room area, "Hey" I say and my 2 siblings immediately look up to me, "Hey Bean!!" Ashley my younger sister says and she walks up to me. "Hey Ash!" I say, "So how was dinner at Mia's?" my mom asks. "It was so much fun! Her mom is so nice! Plus I don't mind spending more time with Mia" I say and I feel my cheeks heat up, "Hahaha we know, you've been talking bout that girl since you met her in Target" my mom says and my cheeks heat up even more. "Well i'm gonna do some homework" I say and i walk up the stairs, I share a room with my younger brother Jordan. I sit down at the little desk we share. We share a laptop with the whole family and my dad usually uses it for work but today he left it at home! I grab the laptop from my parents room and i open google docs. I still need to make a start, I'm never late with making assignments, but since i'm working so much lately i don't have that much time.

One hour later i finished the assignment! I save it and i immediately send it to my teacher so i don't forget. I close the laptop and i put it back at my parents room. My sister sleeps there too, we don't have enough room for everyone to have their own rooms.

I walk to the bathroom and i get in the shower, we have this rule that we're only aloud to shower 5 minutes max. Otherwise it costs too much water. I quickly wash my body and i wash my hair, when i'm done with that i quickly get out of the shower.

I grab one of our old and hard towels and i dry myself, I wrap the towel around my waist and i walk back to mine and Jordan's room. I put on some boxers and sweatpants, then i get into my bed and i grab my phone. I need to wake up at 6am tomorrow and it's already 10pm. I know it doesn't sound late to a lot of people, but it is to me. I need to work after school till midnight. And the next day i have school again so i need my sleep now. I look to my side, Jordan is already sleeping. I can hear him snoring softly, I pull my blankets up to my nose and i slowly drift asleep.

When i wake up the next morning cause of my alarm I immediately get out of my bed, I walk to the closet Jordan and I share and i change into some ripped blue jeans and no i did not buy them with holes in them, they just came eventually cause they were from my cousin before me. Then i grab a simple black sweater, there are already holes forming at the end of the sleeves but that's fine. I walk to the bathroom and i brush my teeth, when i'm done with that i wash my hands and i try to make my hair look a little less messy. I don't use gel or anything cause that's a waste of money, I always use water to fix my hair. Then i walk down the stairs and I grab some cereals out of the cabinets, I grab a bowl and i pour some milk in it, I add the cereals and i sit down at the table. My dad is already at work, he works so much... He leaves before i see him and he gets home when i'm already in bed...

When i'm done with my breakfast i wash my bowl and spoon and i put it back. I walk to our little hallway and i put my shoes on, I grab my phone to look at the time. It's now 7.05am, Mia is gonna be here in 5 minutes. I still can't believe she's driving all the way to my place to bring me to school. She's so incredibly sweet! I still don't get why Sophie sort of asked me out yesterday, I'm not going on that date with her. She's not nice to me at all! She said that she was in a bad mood but i don't know, what Mia told me about her doesn't make her sound like a nice person...

I grab my coat and beanie and i open the front door, I exit the house and i walk to the street, we still have our christmas lights hanging in our trees. Mia must think that we're ridiculous, they didn't even have christmas lights! But maybe they weren't even thinking about christmas, cause well her dad ran away from the police. I feel so bad for Mia, all those reporters at her house are super annoying. They keep asking Mia stuff and they assume things, it just sucks. Just cause Mia is the daughter of someone who stole money, doesn't make her a thief too!

I just get so annoyed when people immediately assume things when they don't even know you! I didn't know about Mia's dad and now i do i really don't give a shit. Mia is super sweet to me and that's what counts. She doesn't judge me either cause of the fact my family doesn't have that much money.

Then i hear a car approaching I look up and i see it's Mia's white Volkswagen.

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