Chapter 25

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While driving to the supermarket there's this awkward vibe in the car. We don't talk but we both give each other quick glares. Then i catch him looking at me and otherwise. When we arrive at the supermarket we both have red cheeks from embarrassment. "So uh what do you need? Maybe i can grab some things too" Corbyn says and i smile when i look at him, "Uhm could you maybe grab some bread and fruit loops?" I ask and he nods. "Sure, I'll meet you when i have those things" he says, I just nod as an answer and i start looking for the other things i need.
While i'm grabbing some vegetables I just keep thinking about Corbyn. He's just so sweet and caring. While i'm walking to the aisle where they keep the pastas and stuff my phone goes off. Who's calling me? I grab my phone and see that it's an anonymous number. I sigh, should i take it? After like 10 seconds I decide to just take the call and i answer.
Phone call:
"YOU'RE SUCH A THIEF YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO LIVE!! YOU SHOULD BURN IN HELL!!" an unknown voice yells and i immediately hang up the phone.
End of phone call
I just look at my phone being shocked and confused. How did that person get my number? And why would they even call me? And burn in hell? Isn't that a bit intense? I did not do anything. I sigh and I try to shake this phonecall off of me. Then I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder and it startles me, I quickly look over my shoulder and I look into Corbyn's beautiful blue eyes. "Are you okey?" he asks concerned and i just nod, not really able to talk. "You sure? You look a little pale" he says and he takes the groceries i'm holding out of my hands. "Y-yeah i'm sure" I lie, I've never been a good liar so I know that Corbyn will just look through this little lie. "Mia" he just says and i look down, "It's nothing, just some weirdo prank calling me" I say and I take a deep breath, "What?" Corbyn asks confused and I see the anger forming in his eyes. "It's really nothing, this happened before" I say and he just shakes his head. "It's not nothing Mia, you need to go to the police" he says and i laugh. "Yeah and what are they gonna do? They all hate me there. The only thing they want is my dad behind bars, plus the woman who's searching my dad is determined to put my mom and i behind bars as well" I say and shake my head. "So no i'm not going to the police" I say and Corbyn nods. "But you should just block those numbers okey?" he says and i shake my head again, "That's not possible, they call anonymous so i can't block their numbers or anything" I say and Corbyn sighs. "Well we'll find a way, but just don't answer anonymous calls anymore okey?" he says and i nod. "Now let's continue grocery shopping" I say and Corbyn nods. He puts everything in a cart and we finish up getting some last things.

When we pull up to the street there are still zero reporters, "Wow they really listened to what i said huh?" Corbyn says and i nod. "Yup, haven't seen one since your little speech" I say and Corbyn laughs. I park the car and we both get out, I shiver when the cold breeze hits my face. I quickly open the front door to get in the warmth of my house. Corbyn and i walk to the kitchen with the bags full of groceries, I quickly start to unload them. Being the gentleman Corbyn is he of course helps me, he starts unloading the bags as well, he puts everything on the kitchen countertop so i can put it away. After not even 5 minutes we're done. "Thanks for helping" I say with a smile when i look at Corbyn, he smiles back at me "It's nothing" he replies. I grab something to drink for me and Corbyn and then we walk up the stairs to my room. I put the glasses on my desk and we both sit down, I haven't moved the chair he sat on yesterday cause i knew that he would come again today. We both grab our textbooks and we continue with writing down important things.
When we're both finished with reading the whole chapter I grab my laptop, "So we need to write an essay about this subject" I say while i open google drive. "So what if we start with the first part now and then meet up again so we can finish the rest" I say and I look at Corbyn. He nods in agreement, "Sounds like a plan" he says and i smile. 

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