Chapter 22

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While we're working on the project I can't help myself but look at Corbyn a few times. He's just so incredibly cute when he concentrates. He sticks out his tongue a bit and he frowns his nose.
When we're both reading a piece I quickly look at him, unfortunately he noticed and he looks me right in the eyes. I quickly look back at my book and I feel my cheeks heat up. Oh gosh this is so annoying, "Is something wrong? Do I have something on my face" Corbyn asks and he starts to rub his cheek with his hand. "What oh no. Was just checking if you finished reading" I quickly say with extremely red cheecks. "aah okey" Corbyn answers, pfieu saved myself out of this one.
"So shall we meet up tomorrow again so we can finish it?" I ask while we both close our books, "Yeah sure!" Corbyn replies. I walk to my window and I look outside, the reporters are gone?! "Wow" I say and Corbyn looks at me, "What? Are there more reporters?" he asks and he quickly walks up to me. "Oh no the complete opposite" I say and Corbyn also looks down. "Omg wow they're gone!" Corbyn says and I nod while a huge smile appears on my face. "What you said made them leave!" I say and Corbyn smiles at me, "Well it was time for them to leave wasn't it" he says and I nod, "But still" I say. I look back at our drive way and I see my mom pulling up. "Ah my mom is home" I say and I walk back to my desk, "So if you want you can join for dinner?" I ask, "I'd love too but I really need to get back soon, I promised my little sister that I would help her out with chemistry" he says and I smile. "I can drive you back now?" I say, "Could you do that?" he asks and I nod, "Yeah of course!".
We walk down the stairs and my mom enters the house, "Hey mom!" I say and my mom looks up to me, "Hey sweetie" she replies and she walks to her bedroom. She doesn't look really happy, does it has to do something with the job interview. I'll ask her how it goes when I get back home. Corbyn and I walk to the little bench to put our shoes on.

I'm listening to the radio while I'm driving back home, just dropped Corbyn off at his house. I still love his house, it looks so cozy and nice. His younger sister was already waiting for him, it looks nice to have other brothers and sisters...
When I pull up to our drive way, I'm still stunned that the reporters have left. I get out of my car and I enter the house, I kick off my black boots and I put my coat away. "Mom?" I say and I look around me, I don't get an answer back so I guess she's in her room. I walk to her room and I knock on the door, I slowly open the door and I see my mom. She's sitting at her make up table with red swollen eyes. "Hey mom what's wrong?" I ask and I quickly walk up to her, I open my arms and I pull my mom in a big hug. My mom doesn't answer my question but just holds me tightly, "The world is a cruel place" she says and she lets go of me. "What do you mean?" I ask confused, "They wouldn't take me cause of what James did" my mom says and I clench my fists. "That's just bullshit! We didn't know what the hell he was doing!" I say while I slightly raise my voice. "My mom just looks at herself in the mirror, "You'll find a job mom" I say and my mom just gives me a weak smile, "I know, it's just. It's just unfair, they told me that I was their best candidate but they didn't want to take me cause of James". When I hear those words come out of her mouth a feel a tear roll down my cheek, this world is cruel indeed. My dad did something and he ran off, now my mom and I are paying the price.

My mom and I decided to just order postmates, we're both not feeling like cooking. I feel so incredibly bad for my mom, she's such a hard worker and every company should be thrilled to have her. But no, instead of taking her cause of her amazing talents they all refuse her cause of something my dad did. I shake my head by the thought of him, I'm now in my room. I told my mom to take a shower, I hope she'll feel a bit better after. Tomorrow it's Friday and then it's weekend, not really looking forward to that. I literally have no one with who I can hang. Yeah well I have Corbyn but he probably has to work plus I'll just make it even more awkward between us. I made so many stupid comments today, it's just embarrassing.

Then the doorbell suddenly rings, I snap back into reality and I run down the stairs, I open the door and I take the food from the delivery guy. "That'll be 25 dollars thief" he says, at first I didn't really notice and I grab the money out of my back pocket but then it hits me. "Wait what did you say?" I ask and I look the guy right in the eyes. "That'll be 25 dollars thief" he says a bit louder this time. I just shake my head and I give him the money, I slam the door in his face and I bring the food to the table. This is just unbelievable... We just can't escape to what my dad did can we? A random delivery guy even knows what my dad did! I take a deep breath to calm myself down, I'm not gonna tell my mom about this. It will make her feel even worse and she deserves better than that. I walk to my mom's room and I knock at the door. "Dinner's here" I say and my mom opens the door, she's wearing a beautiful robe and she has wet hair, I definitely did not get her beauty. "Thanks sweetie" she says and she smiles at me, "Shall we watch a harry potter movie?" my mom asks and I just nod. We walk to the living room, we ordered pizza so I grab our pizza boxes and I sit down at the couch, my mom follows me with two glasses with ice tea. I turn on the tv and I start the movie. 

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