Chapter 66

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The guilt is literally suffocating me, I take a few deep breaths and then I look at my mom. She's sitting next to me while holding my hands, "What do you want to tell me sweetie" my mom says and I nod. "Well uhm" I start and I immediately feel the guilt again, "I did meet up with dad" I say and I look at my hands afraid to see my mom's reaction. "Why didn't you tell me?" my mom asks and I can hear the disappointment in her voice. "I don't know, he just told me that I wasn't aloud to tell anyone but mom" I say and I look up to her, "He's disgusting" I say. "I am so sorry that i didn't tell you" I say and my mom gives me a weak smile, "It's okey sweetie" my mom says and I shake my head no, "Mom it's not okey, I should have told you, but I don't know. I just really wanted to see him, plus he was talking bullshit about Corbyn" I say and my mom frowns, "What did he say about Corbyn?" she asks. "Well he said that he was only dating me cause of the money" I say and my mom shakes her head, "That guy, unbelievable, how did he even know you had a boyfriend? Or did you guys talk more often?" my mom asks and I can see the hurt in her eyes when she says the last sentence, "No!" I quickly say, "I never talked to him besides today, he apparently has someone watching us and he knows everything" I say and my mom shakes her head, "That guy is really unbelievable" she says and I nod, "I know" I say and my mom squeezes my hand. "Well I'm glad the police is so close to capturing him" she says and I nod, "Yeah me too, he stole the money cause he was bored!" I say and my mom's furious. "He was bored?!" my mom says and I nod, "Yeah that's what he told me and he wanted to keep seeing me and told me to turn on my little lamp tonight if i wanted to meet with him again" I say and my mom slowly nods. Suddenly the smell of something that burned reaches us, "Omg the meat!" I say and I jump up from my chair, I quickly run to the stoof and I turn it off, I lift the pan and I put it in the sink, "I don't think we can still eat this" I say lifting the pan and showing my mom the inside, it's completely black. "I don't think so either" my mom says and we both chuckle. It feels so good now I told my mom, it feels like a weight is lifted from my shoulders and the nausea is also gone. I walk back to the table and I sit down across my mom, "So let's order some tacos and then we'll discuss what our next move is" my mom says and she grabs her phone, "Good idea" I say and I lean over to her and help her order the food.
"So you're gonna leave that little light on tonight" my mom says when we ordered, I nod, "Yeah that's also what i thought, then I could maybe arrange a meet up again" I say and my mom nods, "I think we should inform the cops" my mom says and I slowly nod, "Yeah I agree".

The doorbell rings and I get up, I walk to the front door and open it, there's the delivery guy who called me a thief, I awkwardly smile at him and take the food. "Thanks" I say but the guy doesn't answer, he turns around and walks back to his car. I close the front door and I put the food on the table, my mom walks up to me with the plates, "Here you go" she says while she puts them down, "Thankss" I reply while dividing the food. When that's done we walk to the couch and sit down, "So Harry Potter?" I ask and my mom nods, she grabs the remote and puts the second-last movie on. We both hum the intro song along and laugh when it's over, then the movie really starts and we're quiet while eating our food.

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