Chapter 49

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I sit down at the table and I'm just watching an episode from you when I suddenly hear the doorbell ring, I frown, who could that possibly be? I get up from the table and I walk up to the front door, I look through the little window and I see Corbyn standing there, huh what is he doing here? I open the door, "What are you doing here?" I ask and he smiles, "Just wanted to see you before school". I smile and let him in, he has his bag with clothes with him already, "Oh wait let's put your bag upstairs" I say and we both walk up the stairs to my room. We enter the room and I quickly make my bed, "Sorry it's kinda messy in here, didn't really have the time to clean" I say, "I do not care about that at all" Corbyn says and he puts his hands on my waist, "I honestly can't wait to sleep with you in the same bed tonight" he says and we both smile. "Same" I say and we kiss.
When we pull up to the school Corbyn has his hand on my thigh, and to be honest I love that feeling. It just makes me feel comfortable and safe, so i know he's there for me. I park the car and we both get out, we enter the school and walk to our lockers. I stuff my coat in my locker and I wait till Corbyn's also done, when he's done we grab each other's hands again and we start walking to our first class.
At the moment we want to enter the class someone pulls my arm, I look around me confused and I look into Chad face. Corbyn notices it and he stands next to me with his arm around my shoulders, "Hello, those jeans fit your but really well" Chad says and immediately the uncomfortable feeling comes back. Chad still hasn't let go off my arm, I try to pull it back but he starts to hold it even tighter, it kinda starts to hurt now. "Could you let go off my arm" I ask while I try to get it out of his grip again, as answer he holds it even tighter, it's really starting to hurt now. "Didn't you hear her? She asked if you could let go off her arm" Corbyn repeats and he looks at Chad. Chad doesn't answer his look, he just keeps looking at me. "Please just let go, you're hurting me" I say and my voice breaks through the sentence, Chad still doesn't do anything. And Corbyn snaps, "She said that you're hurting her, let go off her arm!" he says now raising his voice. A lot of kids from my school stopped walking and are now looking at the three of us. Chad is still ignoring Corbyn, I try to get my arm out of his grip again and his grip gets even tighter, he's really hurting my arm right now and my eyes fill up with tears. Corbyn suddenly makes a fist and swings it against Chad's cheek, cause Chad did not expect that at all his grip on my arm slowly disappears, I quickly pull my arm back and hold it against my chest. Chad looks furious, "What did you just do" he says while he looks at Corbyn, but Corbyn isn't focused on him anymore he's focused on me. "Come on let's get out of here" he says and he wraps his arm around my shoulder and guides me back to our lockers. "Hello I said something!" Chad yells but Corbyn and I both ignore him, "How's your arm?" Corbyn asks and i move my fingers and wrist, "Mweh, I think it's just gonna be a little bruised" I say. Corbyn stops with walking and he gently pulls up my sleeve, "Wow this is blue" he says and he's right, you can see the traces of Chad's hand on my arm, the whole print is blue. "I think I have something for this at home" I say and Corbyn nods, "We're going back to your place now, fuck school at his moment" he says and he grabs both of our coats, "I'm gonna drive, you're just gonna sit and rest okey?" he says and I just nod. I quickly wipe a tear away who escaped my eye. "Hey are you sure you're okey?" Corbyn asks while he looks at me, "Yeah yeah I'm sure it just hurts" I say and he nods, "We're gonna put some ice on it when we get at your place".
We walk to my car and he opens the door for me, he gets in on the other side and he starts the car, "Is it okey with you if we get some milkshakes by the mcdonald's?" Corbyn asks and I smile, "Yeah sure!".

When we arrive back at our house we both still have our milkshakes, I want to grab my coat but Corbyn stops me, "Uh, I'm gonna carry those, can you open the front door?" Corbyn says, I nod and I get out of the car. The pain in my arm is slowly fading away but it's still super blue, plus when I touch it, it hurts like hell. I open the front door and Corbyn follows me inside, he immediately walks to the freezer to grab some ice, he wraps it in a towel and then hands it to me. "Here you go, so what do you want to do?" he asks. "Shall we watch a movie in bed?" I say and Corbyn nods, "Yes!". We walk up the stairs and sit down at my bed, "I'm gonna change into something a little bit more comfy" I say and I walk to my closet, I grab some leggins when I grab a sweater Corbyn takes it out of my hands. "Here you go" he says while he hands the sweater he was just wearing I smile and give him a quick kiss on his cheek, he blushes and he puts on the sweater i slept in. I pull of my sweater and I try to get Corbyn's sweater on when I suddenly feel someone standing behind me, I quickly turn around and I look into Corbyn's eyes. "Is something wrong?" I ask but he just smiles, "You're so incredibly beautiful" he says and I blush, he gives me a kiss on my forehead. He then takes the sweater from me and helps me put it on, "Thanks" I say when I have it on. He smiles, "Your welcome" he says and he walks to the window to close the blinds, "Now it looks more like a cinema" he says and I laugh, "Yeah it sort of does" I say and Corbyn also laughs. Then I pull of my pants on put on my leggings, when I got them on I walk to the bed and I get under the covers, I grab the ice and I put it on my arm. Corbyn gets under the covers next to me and he wraps his arm around my shoulders, I lean against him with my head on his shoulder. He turns on the tv, "So which movie do you want to watch?" he asks while he scrolls through some movies. "Hmm shall we watch a disney movie?" I ask and he nods, "Yeah sure!". He opens disney plus and scrolls through the movies, "So which one?" he asks, "Uhmm Mulan?" I ask and he smiles, "I love that one! I always watched it with Ash" he says and I also smile. "You know you could have the password so you guys can also watch disney movies?" I say and Corbyn shakes his head, "No i can't do that" he says and I frown. "Why not?" I ask, "Well" he says and he bites his lip, "I don't want you to think that I'm only dating you cause of your money or something like that" he says and I frown. "I would never think that" I say and he looks at me, "You sure?" he says and I smile, "I'm sure, you are always fighting me when I want to pay for something and you usually win so you pay, if you were dating me for my money you would never pay" I say and he nods, "True". 

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