Chapter 21

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The car ride feels super awkward to me, Corbyn's just acting normal but I just can't say a normal thing. My cheeks are as red as cherries and I have sweaty hands. Why did no one tell me that having a crush is so nerve wracking?

When we finally arrive at school we get out of the car and we walk to our lockers, "Are you okey Mia?" Corbyn asks, omg no, he noticed it. "What? No I'm completely fine, haha" I say, and omg that was the most stupid sentence someone could ever say. With that haha at the end! Corbyn looks me in my eyes, "You sure? You've been acting weird" he says and I smile, "Yeah I'm sure, thanks for asking tho" I say. My heart is pounding in my chest right now and I'm really not feeling good at all. I'm all sweaty and nervous, gosh I hate this. Why do I even like him? Well I know why, but I just. This sucks. Liking someone is the most nerve wracking thing, and it's only been 20 minutes...

When it's lunch break I kinda settled my nerves, I still feel super weird around Corbyn but it's way better than it was. "So do you wanna work together on the new project for chemistry?" Corbyn asks me, in the inside I'm completely screaming right now but on the outside I try to stay cool, "Yeah sure" I say and Corbyn smiles at me. "Great!" he says, "So uhm shall we start today?" he adds. "Yeah sure! At mine or yours?" I ask trying to act as cool as possible. "Yours?" he asks and I nod, "Okey! Directly after school?" I ask and he nods.

The rest of the lunch is okey, Sophie is leaving Corbyn alone, thank god, and I think I'm kinda acting cool right now.

"Are the reporters still at your house?!" Corbyn asks shocked when we enter my street, "Yup..." I say and I bite my lip. I hope my mom isn't home yet, I bet that she would make this super awkward. What if she thinks that this is a date?! Omg no that would be soooo emberassing, I hope she's not gonna make any weird ass comments. Corbyn and I slowly get out of the car and we walk to the front door, "What's that?" Corbyn asks while he points at the eggshells. "Oh some people thought that it was funny to throw eggs at our house" I say and I bite my lip, I feel kinda awkward that this happened to us. "That's ridiculous!! Why the hell would they do that?!" Corbyn says while he raises his voice, I shrug my shoulders and I put my key in the door. "And you guys!" Corbyn yells and he looks at the reporters, I slowly turn around and I look at him, "You guys are just staying here day and night in the hope that you'll find something. But I'll tell you something, you won't. Mia and her mom are super nice people and they don't deserve any of this shit. So why don't you guys pack your stuff and leave!" Corbyn yells, I am just stunned by what he just said. "Come on Mia, let's get inside" Corbyn says and he grabs my hand and pulls me inside. He closes the door behind us, I look at him. "Thanks for doing that" I say and Corbyn smiles at me, "Of course! It's just bullshit that they're standing there the whole day doing literally nothing but filming you guys". "Yeah but stil, it's super nice of you that you did that" I say and I feel my cheeks heat up again, "But uhm do you want something to drink" I quickly ask and I walk to the kitchen so he doesn't see my red cheeks. "Oh yeah sure" Corbyn answers and he follows me to the kitchen. After what he just did it's just impossible to not like him anymore. He's just the sweetest and caring person I know.
I open the fridge and I grab some ice tea, "What do you want?" I ask, "Oh ice tea is fine" he says, I nod and I grab two glasses. I pour our drinks in the glasses and I grab them, "Let's go to my room so we can work on the assignment" I say and Corbyn nods. I grab my backpack and I walk up the stairs, Corbyn follows me.
When we arrive at my room I open the door, thank god I decided to clean my room yesterday. I put the glasses on my desk, "So I'm gonna grab an extra chair real quick, you can already sit down and grab your stuff" I say and I walk to our guest room. We never have guest over but we still have a guest room. I grab the chair and I start pulling it to the hallway, I'm not a really strong girl so it takes a while. When I enter my room Corbyn immediately gets up to take the chair from me, "I could've helped you know" he says while he smiles, "Yeah yeah I know" I say and I also smile. We sit down at my desk and we start on the assignment. 

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