Chapter 67

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Today's the day, it's Tuesday morning right now. Corbyn is coming back to town tonight and I'm gonna meet up with my dad again. My mom and I came up with a whole plan but I'll explain that later, right now I need to shower and get ready. I want to buy some sweets for Corbyn cause he's staying the night at mine and I really missed him. We called every single day, but I haven't told him about my dad yet, the less people who know the better. I am gonna tell him everything tonight, i felt bad for not telling him the truth but it was easier to do through the phone than in real life. I get up from my bed and I put on some music, I'm loving Justin's new album changes, so i've been listening to that for the past weeks. I put my phone in the bathroom and I grab a towel and I hang it on the heater so it's nice and warm when I get out of the shower.
Then I quickly pull of Corbyn's sweater and my panties, I put them on the sink and I step in the shower. I was the sweat and sleep off of my body and I wash my hair, I want to look nice for when Corbyn arrives tonight so i also shave. After i did all that I just chill in the shower for a little while, while singing along to some songs.
Then I decide it's time to get out of the shower, I turn the shower off and wrap myself in the warm towel. I walk to my room while dripping water all over the floor, I'll dry that later, first I need to decide on my outfit. After a little while I decide to go for a simple outfit, I grab my ripped mom jeans and a white tight t-shirt. I put it on and then I blowdry my hair, I hate to do that, but I also don't really like to sit around and wait till my hair is dry. What I hate the most about blow drying my hair is that you can't really hear the music, that just makes it so boring.
As soon as I'm done with that I start with my make up, I just put on some mascara and I put some highlighter in my inner corner.
Then I spray some perfume on my clothes and hair and I walk down the stairs. "Morning mom!" I say and I enter the kitchen to grab my breakfast, I literally eat cereals every single morning. "Morning sweetie! Are you ready for today?" my mom says and I nod. I grab my bowl filled with cereals and I sit down across her, "Corbyn's also coming back tonight, looking forward to that?" my mom asks and she takes a sip from her coffee, I nod, "Oh yeah, I missed him so much" I say and my mom smiles, "You two make a great couple" she says and that makes me smile as well. "So why are you up so early?" my mom asks, "Well i wanted to buy some of Corbyn's fav sweets" I say and my mom smiles, "That's really sweet of you" she says and I smile, "I just want to show him how incredibly happy I am that he's in my life" I say and my mom nods, "Well I think he knows and otherwise just tell him, I'm sure he'll be very happy to hear that" my mom says and I nod, "That's a good idea, I'm gonna tell it to him, I always try to show my love for him but now I'm gonna write it down and just tell him" I say and my mom smiles. "Well have fun getting your sweets, you're gonna meet up with your dad at 2pm right?" she asks and I nod.
Then we both finish breakfast and I go back upstairs to brush my teeth, while I'm doing that I put some notes in my phone, I'm gonna buy some snickers, some nachos, some airheads and of course some chocolate. I'm also gonna get him a card so I can write down my feelings for him. Now I'm thinking about it, I don't think I ever told him how incredibly grateful I am for him, he just made my life so much better. And I think it's time to tell him that. I spit out my toothpaste and wash my mouth out with water. I put my toothbrush away and I enter my room, I grab my backpack, my wallet and phone. I close my door behind me and I walk down the stairs, "I'll be back in around 30 minutes" I say and my mom nods. I exit the house and enter my car, I start it and I drive to Walmart.

I'm standing by the self service cashier things they have in Walmart and I grab my wallet to pay. I suddenly see the creditcard my dad gave me the night before he ran away, I literally never used it. Maybe I should give the money away? I don't need it plus I don't want it.
While those ideas run through my mind I pay with my own credit card and I stuff everything in my backpack. I walk up to my car and I get in, I start the car and I drive back to my place.
I immediately go up to my room when I arrive back at my house, I put all the sweets on my bed and I grab a gift bag which I also purchased. It's light blue and has silver polka dots on it, I thought it looked really cute and it's perfect to put the candy in. I grab the plastic bag where I put the sweaters in and I put it next to the candy, okey so i need to make this look cute. I decide to grab some light blue wrapping paper to wrap the sweaters in. While I'm doing that I'm obviously listening to Justin's new album, I'm honestly so freakin obsessed with it.
When I'm done wrapping everything and putting it in the bag, there's only one more thing to do and that's to write the card. I take a seat at my desk and I grab my notebook. I'm not gonna write on the card immediately, I do not want to screw the card up.
After like 30 minutes of figuring what to say and how to say it I know what I want to write and I write it down on the card. To make it look a bit cuter I draw a few small hearts spread out on the card.
I get up and I put the card in the bag, I smile when I look at the end result, I'm pretty proud of myself, I'm horrible in packing gifts but this actually looks kinda cute. 

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