Chapter 41

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Your pov:
When I arrive back home I kick off my boots and I hang up my coat, "I'm back!" I yell, "Okey sweetie!" my mom yells back. It's now 5pm and I guess she just got back home from work. "How was work?" I ask when I enter the living room where my mom is sitting. "Well it was good! My boss has being really content about my work. He even told me that if I went on like this I could get a promotion" my mom says with a huge smile on her face. I smile, "You really deserve that mom, I'm glad it's going good at your work" I say and my mom nods. "So what shall we make for dinner?" my mom asks and I sit down on the couch next to her, "Well maybe some chicken with some potatoes or something?" I ask and my mom nods. "I can make crispy chicken with baked potatoes?" my mom says, "Oeh that sounds delicious!" I say. "Then I'll make that, do you need to do something for school?" my mom asks and I nod, "Yeah i wanted to read through this one paragraph for physics and then I'm done" I say and my mom nods. "Okey then I will start with the dinner in like 30 minutes" my mom says and I nod. I get up from the couch, grab my backpack and walk upstairs. I enter my room and I put my backpack next to my desk, I change into my pj's and I put my robe over it. I just love to be comfy while i'm studying, plus my bra was annoying me this whole day so it feels good to be braless now. I grab my physics book and I sit down at my window seat and i look outside. It looks so nice outside, the sun is slowly setting and it's golden hour. I open my book and search for the right page. When I found that I start reading.

When I read the whole paragraph and made some notes I put my book aside, I think I'm ready. I get up from my little seat and I stretch my back, I look at the time and I see that it's almost 6pm. Damn I took my time reading, but i didn't want to miss anything plus I made some notes. I grab my phone and I open tik tok, I just scroll a bit on the for you page when my mom calls me, I walk to the stairs, "Yeah?" I yell, "Dinner is ready!!" my mom yells back and I immediately walk down the stairs, my stomach is growling now. I sit down at the table across my mom, "Hmm this smells delicious mom" I say and my mom smiles. I put my phone on the table and we start eating.
When we're halfway the dinner my phone starts ringing, I turn it around to see who it is, "Do you expect someone to call you sweetie?" my mom asks and I shake my head no. "It's an anonymous number, I've been getting calls from numbers like that a lot lately" I say and my mom frowns, "Why didn't you tell me?" my mom asks, "I don't really know, Corbyn found out about it and told me I needed to ignore them and that's kinda what i've been doing now" I say and my mom nods. My phone is still ringing, "Answer it and put it on speaker, I want to hear what they say" my mom says and I nod. I answer it and put the phone on speaker, "Hello?" I say and I look at my mom. She grabs my hand over the table, "YOU GUYS ARE ALL GONNA BURN IN HELL FOR WHAT YOUR FATHER DID, I BET YOU AND YOUR MOM PLAYED A HUGE PART IN IT-" this unknown voice yells. My mom immediately hangs up, "But that's horrible!" my mom says and I shrug my shoulders, "It's kinda what I'm facing at school" I say and my mom shakes her head. "We're gonna change your number right now, and about school, just ignore them okey? You're a super sweet girl and all those kids are talking bullshit" my mom says and I nod. "Corbyn is standing up for me tho" I say and my mom smiles, "I told you he was a good boy, he's definitely a keeper" my mom says and I nod. "Yeah he's super sweet" I say and I smile when I think about him. We finish dinner and then we're going to the store to buy a new sim card and everything.
When we've done that it's around 9pm when we get back home. "I think I'm going to bed now, I have to exams tomorrow" I say and my mom nods, "Yeah of course! Goodnight sweetie" my mom says and we hug each other. "Goodnight" I reply and I walk to my room. 

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