Chapter 65

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As soon as I arrive at my house I immediately enter the house and I walk to the living room, "Hey mom what did you want me to talk about?" I ask when I put my backpack on the table to unload it. "Well" my mom starts and she gets up from the couch, "I think it's best if you sit down for this" my mom adds and I nod. I take a seat at the table across her and my mom takes a deep breath. What the hell is going on? "So your dad is spotted in town" my mom says and I'm stunned. How did he get spotted? Did they see me talking with him? All those thoughts run through my mind together with the anxiety rushing through my body, i knew it wasn't smart to go talk with him. "What" I eventually say, I really don't know what i should say otherwise, I absolutely can't tell my mom that I'm aware of that and that i just talked with him. "So I know you would never lie to me, but uhm did you maybe talk to him?" my mom asks and I immediately feel the guilt. My mom's right, what happened to me? I never lied to her! Should I confess? Nah I shouldn't. But I sort of should, it's unfair if I leave my mom out of it. After a minute or so I finally decide what I'm gonna say, "Why do you think that?" I ask trying to sound as neutral as possible. "I don't know, I'm so sorry I accused you of lying, I don't know what's going on with me" my mom says and she gets up from the table. Great, make me feel even worse about myself. "No it's fine" I say and my mom smiles at me, "I just thought that you should know that, oh and the police think they're really close to finding him, that stupid detective came by again and she was telling me all about it" my mom says and she grabs some vegetables out of the fridge. "Oh what did she say?" I ask and I also get up from the table, "Well she told me that they spotted him entering the woods, she said that they thought that he was gonna meet up with someone but no one else entered the woods, plus he never excited the woods" my mom says and my heart is literally pounding in my chest right now. I was almost caught meeting up with my dad and I know that that's a real crime. "And since you were also in the woods I just jumped to conclusions, but again I'm really sorry" my mom says and I put on a fake smile, "It's fine" I say and my mom shakes her head. "No it's not fine" she walks up to me and holds my face with both of her hands, "You are the most honest and sweet girl I know, you never lied to me, so if your dad reached out to you I just know that you would've told me" my mom says and I just nod as an answer. The guilt is literally killing me right now, I know that I should've told my mom about it, but now it's already too late right? Plus I don't want her to find out that I lied to her, oh and then I need to tell Corbyn about it as well. I'm completely lost in my thoughts when my mom suddenly shakes my arm, "You okey Mia?" my mom asks concerned and I blink a few times to get back to reality. "Sorry what?" I ask and my mom smiles, "I asked if you wanted to eat some tacos oh and if you were okey" my mom says and I smile. "Yeah sounds great! And yeah I'm okey, I was just lost in my thoughts" I say and my mom smiles. "So can I help you cook the dinner?" I say and my mom nods, "Oh yeah sure! Could you maybe cook the meat?" she asks and I nod, I grab the meat and put it in a pan on the stoof.
While we're cooking the guilt is really taking it's toll on me, I suddenly feel super nauseous and not good at all. While I'm stirring the meat I just feel the puke go up in my throat. I drop the spoon and I run to the toilet, "Mia?" my mom asks stunned and she follows me to the toilet. I'm sitting on my knees bend over the toilet while I'm throwing up, great this is what guilt does to you. "Ahw sweetie, are you sure you're okey?" my mom asks while she rubs my back. I don't really answer since I'm throwing up. After a few minutes it stops and my mom hands me a glass of water, "Here you go" she says and I greedy take it from her. After you puke you always have the most horrible taste in your mouth ever, I drink up the whole glass and I immediately feel a bit better. "Are you feeling a bit better?" my mom asks and I nod, "Y-yeah" I say while I struggling to talk, my throat feels dry and tight. My mom continues to rub my back until i gathered my strength to get up, she helps me to a chair at the kitchen table. "You're just gonna sit down and I'm gonna finish dinner" my mom says but I shake my head no and grab her wrist, "I need to tell you something" I say struggling to talk.

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