Chapter 52

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As soon as we arrive at school we need to go to the principal, we're now sitting in his office waiting till he arrives. Then the door suddenly opens and there he is, "Hello" he says and he sits down at his chair across us. "So miss Scott and mister Besson, explain to me why students saw you guys leave school before the first period yesterday" he says and he crosses his arms. "Well" Corbyn starts and he looks at me, "Mia suddenly felt really unwell so we decided it was better if we went home" he says and the principal raises his eyebrows. "So you're saying that Mia felt unwell and you went with her to take care of her? Since when are you guys living together?" he says and he looks at me. "Well my mom is on a business trip and she didn't want me to be alone, so she wanted that Corbyn stayed at my place so i wouldn't be alone" I say and the principal slowly nods. "Okey well in that case, I'm sorry, I hope you feel better now Mia" he says and I nod, "Yeah I do thanks for asking" I say and he nods. "Well you guys can go to your class now" he says and Corbyn and I both get up and we walk to math. "Luckily we got out of that" Corbyn says and I shrug my shoulders, "If we admitted we skipped school he wouldn't do anything" I say and Corbyn looks at me, "Really?". "Yeah, cause he doesn't want to kick kids off of his school cause he wants to show the rest of the world that everyone at this school is perfect and perfect kids don't skip school" I say and Corbyn slowly nods.
While our walk to my car Corbyn and I are joking around, "Okey stop my stomach hurts from laughing" I say when we arrive at my car, "Oh does your tummy hurts" Corbyn says with a baby voice and we both burst out in laughter again. We get in the car and we drive back to my place.
"Okey shall we start with the homework and then chill?" I ask while I open the front door, "Yeah sure!" he replies. We walk to the dining table and sit down, I sit at one side and Corbyn sits across me. We both grba our books and notebooks, I start with my math homework.
I'm a faster worker than Corbyn so when I'm finished I get up and I grab two glasses, "What do you want to drink?" I ask and I look at Corbyn, well I look at an empty chair. "Bean?" I ask and then I suddenly feel his arms around my waist, I startle and my body shocks, "Jeez you scared me" I say laughing, "But what do you want?" I ask and I look up to him, "Hmm some coke?" he asks and I nod. Corbyn lets go off my waist so i can grab our drinks, "Do we want some chips?" he asks while he grabs a bag of doritos out of a cabinet. "Are you really asking that?" I say and he laughs, "Okey okey I should've known the answer" he says and we walk back to the table with our chips and drinks. "So I only need to finish this thing for English" he says, "Yeah me too, plus I need to do physics" I say and he nods, "Well let's start then".
We both sit back down and I start with physics. When I'm done with that I grab my english books out of my bag, I put them on the table and i grab my notebook. I start with the assignment when I suddenly feel that a little piece of paper gets thrown at me, I look up to Corbyn and he looks around him like he didn't do anything. I smile and shake my head, I continue with my english when I suddenly feel another piece of paper, I look up and Corbyn is acting like he didn't do anything. "Beaannn" I say and he looks at me, "What?" he asks trynig to be so innocent as he can. I laugh, "Stop throwing stuff at me!" I say and he also laughs. "Sorryyy, I'm just boredd" he says and he pouts, "Well you can go to my room and already pick out a movie?" I ask, "Oh yeah I could do that" he says and he gets up from the table, "Hurry up with your homework" he says with a smile, I shake my head and smile, "Go! Otherwise I'll never finish" I say and he laughs. He walks up the stairs and I continue with English.
As soon as I'm done I immediately run up the stairs to my room, I open my door and I see Corbyn sitting on my bed scrolling through the movies on my tv. "Heyy" I say and I jump on the bed next to him, "Hey" he replies and he gives me a kiss on my forehead. "So what shall we watch?" he asks and he looks back at the tv, "I asked if you could pick out the movie" I say and I get back up from the bed, I grab my pj shorts out of my closet. I take off my pants and I change them for my pj shorts. Since Corbyn is way taller than me his sweater is like a dress to me. I also clip off my bra and put it back in my closet. "Ahh this is more comfortable" I say while I throw my jeans on my chair. Corbyn laughs, "Are bras really that uncomfortable?" he asks, "Well not really but it honestly feels so much better when they're off" I say and he laughs, "If you say so". "But did you pick out a movie?" I ask while I sit down next to him, "Are you okey with the lion king?" he asks, "Omg yes I love that movie" I say and he smiles, "Good" he says. "Now let's grab some snacks" I say and I jump back off the bed, "You're the only snack I want" Corbyn says and he picks me up by my waist and he lays me back down on the bed. "How is it possible that someone can be so damn beautiful" he says and he gives me a kiss on my nose, I blush. "Well how is it possible for a guy to be so freakin hot and cute at the same time?" I say and Corbyn raises his eyebrows, "I'm hot?" he says. "Who says I was talking bout you" I say and I quickly get up from the bed and run down the stairs, "Hey come back here!" Corbyn says and he follows me down the stairs. Of course he's faster, so when I reach the kitchen I feel two strong arms around my waist and picking me up, "Tell me that I'm that guy" Corbyn says and he starts to tickle me.
"Okey okey" I say after a while when I'm completely out of breath cause of the tickling, "You are the hot and cute guy" I say and a proud smile appears on his face, "Good, now let's get those snacks" he says.
We both grab some chips and the whole bottle of coke.
When we've captured all the snacks we walk back to my room and put everything on my bed. "I think we have enough" I say and Corbyn and I both laugh, "You think?" he asks and again we burst out in laughter. My whole bed is filled with snacks and drinks, "Yeah that's exactly what I think" I say. "Well now I'm going to get comfortable" Corbyn says and he takes off his pants and he puts on some sport shorts, I start pulling his sweater, "This has to go" I say and he laughs, "Oh does it?" he replies and he pushes me down on the bed and leans over me, "Yeah it does" I say and he shakes his head and smiles. "Well who am I if I don't obey you?" he says and I laugh. He gets off of me and he pulls off his sweater, I immediately take it out of my his hands and pull of my own sweater, while i put my arms through the sleeves Corbyn keeps looking at me, "What?" I ask and he smiles. "You're just so incredibly hot and cute" he says, I shake my head and smile, I quickly put on the sweater and pull it down. "Now let's watch that movie" I say and Corbyn nods in agreement, he sits down next to me and pulls me against him.

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