Chapter 14

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We're sitting at the dining table, I'm holding a hot cup of tea between my hands and i'm looking at the police woman. She has short curly gray hair, she has a strict face and some black glasses. "Hello, my name is Tanner, I'm a detective and i'm going to find James" she says with a loud voice. "And when i find him he will go to jail for all the horrible things he did", I frown "All the horrible things? I only know that he apparently stole money" I say and Tanner looks at me. "Plus he ran away from the police, that's a crime" she says and she keeps looking at me, I'm not gonna break the eye contact so i keep looking at her too. After a minute or so she breaks the eye contact and she looks at my mom, "So tell me, where is your husband" she says and my mom smiles. "Even if i knew i wouldn't tell you" she says and a little smile appears on my face. I kinda hate my dad right now, but that doesn't mean that i'm gonna help the police find him so they can throw him in jail. Tanner sighs and she looks back at me, I quickly hide my smile and i look back at her, "Where's your dad, if you're helping him to flee from the police you're also a criminal offence" she says and i raise my eyebrows. "Well lucky for me that i did not help him huh?" I say and Tanner shakes her head. She gets up from the chair and she walks to our front door. "I am gonna find him and i'm gonna throw him in jail including you two!" she says while she raises her voice. My mom and i just shrug our shoulders and then she exits our house. I look at my mom, "You really don't know where he is?" I ask and she shakes her head no, "If i knew you and i wouldn't be sitting here, we would be with your dad" she says.

"Can she throw us in jail?" my mom suddenly asks while i'm putting plates on the table, "No she can't, we really don't know anything so we can't help her with her investigation. So she has nothing to put us in jail" I say and my mom looks relieved. I read a lot of detectives, plus i'm obsessed with detective movies. I know it's not the same as in the movie, but they really can't arrest us. I've seen these things happen in movies a lot and they have nothing on us.

My mom and i continue with cooking dinner, "Do you want to watch a movie?" my mom asks and i nod, "Yeah!" I say and she smiles. "Shall we watch Harry Potter?" she asks, "Is that even a question" I reply and we both laugh. I'm glad my mom is back to normal again, when she was sitting in her bed doing nothing I was lonely. But now it's actually nice, my mom and i are laughing together and I can talk to her about everything.

When dinner's ready we both sit down, "But Mia, tell me bout your new friend" my mom says while she takes a bite of her food. "Oh uh well, his name is Corbyn and he's really sweet!" I say and my mom nods, "I never heard of him, is he new?" my mom asks and i nod. "Yeah he lives in the less rich side of the town and he got a scholarship for my school. He wants to go to Harvard to study astrology like me!" I say and my mom smiles. "Well I hope that he gets in!" she says and i nod. "How did you guys meet?" she asks, "Well when i went to target to buy a new notebook I ran into him and he asked me where he could buy the best math books. I said that i could take him there if he wanted, so we went there and then i dropped him off at his house" I say and my mom nods, "Well I really want to meet him now, you've never talked over a guy this enthusiastic" she says and i immediately blush again.

The rest of the dinner we talk about school and harry potter, I got my obsession from my mom. When i was little she used to read to me from those books, I fell in love with the books and when i was a bit older and we read all the books we started to watch the movies. My dad made me a broomstick for my birthday and my mom got me a wand. I still own it, it's the one from Hermione. We went to universal studios in Florida cause that's where the biggest harry potter world is.

I smile when i think back to those times, everything was still normal back then. 

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