Chapter 62

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I'm sitting on my bed looking at the note, should I just leave my little lamp on? If I decide that it was a bad idea I could always not go.
After 10 minutes of doubting I decide to just put on my little lamp, I could always just not go. I get up from my bed and I walk to my bathroom, I grab my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth. While I'm doing that I'm looking outside, so my dad has hired people who are keeping an eye on my mom and I? Pretty creepy. If I decide to go I'm gonna say something about that, if he wants to know what's going on in my life he shouldn't have left like that. It's his own fault he's running from the cops right now. I walk back to the sink, spit out the toothpaste and rinse my mouth. I put my toothbrush away and wash my face.
I walk back to my room, I close all my blinds and turn on my little light, then I turn off the big lights and I get in bed, I pull the covers up till my nose and grab my phone. Corbyn and I decided that we're gonna call with each other at night, just as I want to call him he already calls me. I smile, when he calls me this super cute picture of the both of us pops up. I quickly answer the phone.
"Hey Bean!" I say when I answer the phone, "Hey babe!" Corbyn replies, I smile, I love it so much when he calls me babe. "So how is it at your grandma's?" I ask, "It's pretty fun to be honest, Ash, Jordan and I never spend that much time with our grandma so it's really nice to see her again" he says and I nod, "Well I'm glad your having fun" I say. "So what did you do today?" he asks, should I tell him bout the note from my dad? No I'm not gonna tell him about the note, I want to find out some things before I'm gonna tell Corbyn about it. "Uhm well my mom and I went shopping so that was fun, oh and I bought something for you" I say and I smile. I'm looking at the shopping bags which I still haven't put away. "Sounds fun! Ughh why did you buy me something?" Corbyn asks and we both laugh, "Well cause I wanted to" I say and a smile appears on my face again.
Corbyn and I talk on the phone for another good 20 minutes and then we both hang up.
End of phonecall
I get out of my bed and I walk to the shoppingbags, I really need to put my clothes away. I start with the dress and the skirt, I cut out the labels and I put them in my closet.
When I've put everything away I only have the hoodies I bought for Corbyn left, I also cut the labels out of the hoodies, he can't find out how expensive they were. I fold them and I put them in a black brandless plastic bag, I put the little package on my chair and I get back into my bed, I grab my book and I continue to read.

When I wake up the next morning, I immediately turn off the little light, it's way to bright for me in the morning. I stretch my arms and rub my eyes. I lift myself up so I sit up straight, I grab my phone and open my texts, I see that Corbyn send me a text, I open it and a smile immediately appears on my face.
Corbyn: Goodmorning beautiful
*Isn't he the cutest?*
Me: Goodmorning handsome!
End of texts
I think it's so cute when a guy texts you goodmorning or goodnight, my day started really good right now. I turn my little light back on and swing my legs out of my bed. I check the time on my phone, it's now 10am. I slept in, but I do have a few things I need to do today, we have this weird little break from school right now but I want to make some homework so i don't have to do that when Corbyn's back. I put on my robe and I walk down the stairs, "Morning mom" I say when I see my mom sitting at the table with her coffee and newspaper. "Morning sweetie, how did you sleep?" she asks and she puts her newspaper away, "Pretty good, what about you?" I ask while I sit down across her with my cereals, "Me too, so what are your plans for today?" she answers and she takes a sip of her coffee, "Well I want to do finish all my homework so when Corbyn comes back I don't need to worry about that anymore" I say and my mom nods, "Sounds good, do you maybe have time to swing my target for me?" my mom asks and I nod, "Yeah I think so, I need to buy a new notebook so I can make time for that. What do you need?" I ask. "I also need a new notebook and a planner, I've made screenshots of the ones I want" my mom says while she grabs her phone, "If you send them to me I can get those things" I say and my mom smiles, "Keep the receipt so i can pay you back" my mom says and I nod, "Will do that, is it okey if go to the store around 4pm or do you need that stuff earlier?" I ask and I take a bite from my cereals. "That's fine! I need them tomorrow" my mom says and I nod, "Okey!" I reply. We both finish our breakfast and then I walk up the stairs and enter my room. I immediately notice that my window's open again, I immediately walk up to my nightstand. And there it is, another note, I immediately recognize my dad's handwriting when I fold it open.

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