Chapter 61

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I'm standing on the side walk waving to Corbyn while he gets in the car from his grandma, "See you on Tuesday!" he says and I nod, "See you then!" I say back and we both smile. He closes the door and his grandma starts the car, I look how the car slowly drives away and eventually disappears around the corner. I get back in the house and sit down at the couch, "So what do you want to do sweetie?" my mom says, "Hmm I think I want to buy some new clothes, oh and I want to buy a new sweater for Corbyn! I stole one of his" I say and my mom smiles, "Shall we go in 30 minutes? We'll shop first and then grab some lunch at the mall" she says and I nod, "Yeah sounds good!" I say and we both smile. I run back up the stairs and I walk to my bathroom, I turn on the shower and get in, I wash my body and hair and when I'm done with that I wrap myself in a big soft towel and I enter my room, I put on some underwear and I grab some navy ripped mom jeans and a white t-shirt. I change into the clothes, I'm not really in the mood to put on some makeup. I grab my credit card and phone and I walk down the stairs, my mom's already sitting at the table waiting for me, "You ready?" she asks and I nod, "I just need to put my shoes on" I say and I quickly put on some white converse, the weather is doing so much better so it's way too hot for my black boots, I also don't bother to put on a coat cause I know I will be sweating like crazy if I put that on.

When we get back from shopping it's already 4pm, your mom and you went kinda crazy. You didn't buy just one sweater for Corbyn you bought 3, but well it was so hard to decide! There were so many cool sweaters and I know that Corbyn would've loved all of them so I just decided to buy them all. For myself I got this cute white summerdress with little dots on it, I got some socks cause I really needed those, I got a few t-shirts, 2 new pairs of jeans and last but not least, I got a new skirt. I usually never wear skirts cause I just feel really uncomfortable in them, but this one is longer than the usual skirts, it reaches till just below my knees, it has a split on one side and it's in this beautiful baby blue colour. I walk up to my room and I immediately notice something's kinda off. I look around my room and I see one of my windows is open, weird... I'm sure I did not leave that open when I left, I put my bags down and i grab my hair straightener, I know I can't really defend myself with that but it's literally the only thing I can think of right now. I slowly walk up to my window while I look around me, there are no signs that there's a person in my room right now. I close the window and I look inside my bathroom, there's also no one in there. Am I being paranoid or is it really weird that when I leave my window is closed, I'm a 100% sure of that, but now I come back and it's open. I put my hair straightener on my night stand and I see that there's a little note, "Did Bean leave me a note?" I think out loud and I grab the piece of paper. I slowly unfold it and I immediately recognize my dad's handwriting. I'm in shock, I haven't heard from him since the day he ran away and that's months ago, I take a deep breath and I read it.
Dear Bambi,
I'm sorry that I left you and mom alone, but I just needed to leave otherwise I would be in prison right now. I've been watching you and mom so I know exactly what's going on in your lifes and so i don't have the feeling that I'm missing out.
But there is something that concerns me, I know you've been dating this guy named Corbyn Besson and Bambi, I'm sorry that I'm the one who needs to tell you this, but he's only dating you for your money. I just know it.
*I frown, what is he talking about? He never met him!*
So I wanted to ask if you wanted to meet me, if that's the case please leave your little light on so I know you want to meet. I'll let you know the time and place later. Oh and please don't tell your mom about this, please don't tell anyone about this. I am not really aloud to do this but I just missed you so much and I really wanted to warn you about that Corbyn boy.
Love you,
End of note.
What the fuck is he talking about?! He's been watching us? So he didn't think he could reach out sooner? And the only reason why he wants to talk to me right now is cause he thinks Corbyn is dating me for my money, this is literally the biggest bullshit I've ever read.
Should I meet up with him? Or should I just ignore his note?

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