Chapter 28

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When it's lunch break i go into the restrooms and of course i need to run into Sophie. "Oh hey thief" she says while she looks at me with a disgusted facial expression. I don't even bother to answer and i directly walk to the toilet, I lock the door behind me and i sit down at the toilet seat. I hoped that the toilet was empty so i could gain some confidence, I think that it's time to ask Corbyn if he wants to go to the fair with me. I just want it to be over so i can finally sleep good again, every single time I close my eyes i think of different ways he could reject me.
I take a few deep breaths and I open my door again, I walk to the sink to wash my hands and to throw some water in my face. The lack of sleep i got is now taking its toll. I dry my face and my hands and then i enter the cafeteria. I search for Corbyn and i soon spot him sitting at a table, he's waving at me. I smile and i walk up to him, I sit down next to me and we start eating our lunch.
When we're eating I try to figure out the best timing to ask him out, then after like 10 minutes i decide that it's better if i ask it by my car. Then there's no one being a witness when i get rejected. I do hope Corbyn and i can stay friends after he rejected me cause he's really the only friend i have here.
I'm completely lost in my thoughts when Corbyn waves his hand in front of my face, "Sorry what?" I ask confused and I blink a few times to get back in the real world. Corbyn laughs, "It's time for class" he says and I look around us. Everyone already left, "Oh shit" I say and I quickly get up from my seat. Corbyn laughs while i almost trip over my own bag, "Easy Mia, we have time" he says and I also smile cause of my own clumsiness.
When I have my bag Corbyn and i walk to our next class, the door is still open so that's good. We quickly enter the classroom and sit down. We just sat down when the teacher enters the classroom and closes the door behind her. "Pfieu just in time" I whisper to Corbyn and he nods and smiles at me. I smile back and I try to focus on the teacher.

When the bell rings Corbyn and I both get up, school is finally over! And now is the moment that i'm gonna ask if Corbyn wants to come to the fair with me. I'm literally shaking while we walk to our lockers, I'm not gonna say anything about it until we're at my car. I really don't want anyone witnessing my rejection. I grab my coat out of my locker and I put it on, I quickly look at Corbyn and he's also putting on his coat. How is it possible for a human being to be so cute and handsome?
When we both have our coats on we walk to my car, during the walk i'm gaining confidence to ask him out. I take a deep breath and as soon as i open my mouth to say something Corbyn suddenly says something; "I wanted to ask you something" he says and he stops walking. I also stop and I look at him, "Yeah?" I say and Corbyn takes a deep breath. I'm really confused and I don't really get what's going on. "So uhm, the fair is this weekend and uhm, I wanted to ask if you" he says and he looks at his hands. "Do you want to go to the fair with me?" he says and he looks back up to me, a huge smile appears on my face, "Yeah sure!" I answer trying to act cool, cause on the inside i'm literally screaming right now. "But uhm, not as friends" he says and he looks me right in my eyes. "As what then?" I ask while i smirk, Corbyn shakes his head and grabs my hand, "As a guy and a girl who go on a date?" he says and he smiles at me. I feel my cheeks heating up and I just smile as an answer.
When we get in my car I look at him, "When you asked me to the fair, I was literally preparing myself to do the same thing" I say and a smile appears on Corbyn's face. "Really?!" he says and I laugh cause of his reaction, "Really" I say and we both laugh. I start the car and I start driving to his house.
When we arrive at his house he looks at me, "I'll text you the details bout our date" he says and I nod, "See you tomorrow" I say and he smiles at me, "See you tomorrow". Then he closes the door and he starts to walk to his house, I can't hold in my little happyness dance so that's what i'm doing, then i hear someone knocking on the window and i immediately stop. I look over at my side and I see Corbyn standing there shaking his head and laughing. My cheeks immediately heat up from embarrassment but i also have to laugh. I bet I looked super stupid doing that. Then i start the car and i drive back home. 

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