Chapter 17

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"So we're gonna train for running a marathon, I know the weather isn't great at the moment. But as soon as the snow starts to melt we're gonna start with training!" the coach says. We all just nod.

When school is over Corbyn and i walk to our lockers, his locker is super close to mine so that's nice! I see Sophie and some other girls walking closer to us, of course our good mood needs to be ruined. Sophie stops right in front of Corbyn, "So hello" she says while she looks up to him, "Uhm hi" he says. "So i'm sorry for being rude the other day, I wasn't in a good mood cause of that piece of shit next to you. But now i am in a good mood so i want to give you a chance" she says and Corbyn and i look at her with confused faces. "You are a really cute guy and if you upgrade your clothing style a bit i think you could be hot too, so pick me up tomorrow at 7pm, I'll dm you the address" she says and she walks away. "Did she just?" I ask and Corbyn is still looking at Sophie, "Yeah she did" he says and he looks back at me. "What am i supposed to do right now? I do not even own a car, plus i do not want to take her out!" he says. To be honest, it's a relive that he doesn't want to go out with her, Sophie is the prettiest girl of the school and if he goes out with her my chances are over. "Uhm you should just ignore her i guess, she has a boyfriend so i don't know why she's acting so weird" I say and he just nods. "Well uhm let's go then" I say and Corbyn nods again and we start to walk to my car, "She thinks i could be hot? Gosh why is that girl so superficial?! She doesn't even know me!" Corbyn says and a little smile appears on my face, I'm glad he's not falling for the bullshit she just told him. Yeah he is cute and handsome and blahblahblah, but he's my friend. Not hers.

We get into my car and we just talk about how weird Sophie was acting. When we enter my street the reporters immediately run up the street, "Oh uh yeah sorry, forgot to mention we have reporters all over our street" I say and Corbyn nods, "Must be awful" he says, "Yeah it is" I reply. I park my car and then we both get out, we quickly walk to my front door and I quickly unlock the door. We get in and i kick off my boots by the little bench, Corbyn does the same with his red converse.

"So you must be Corbyn" my mom says while she walks up to us, "Hi nice to meet you" Corbyn says and he sticks out his hand, my mom shakes is and says; "Oeh he got manners Mia". My cheeks heat up and i shake my head, Corbyn awkwardly laughs, "Haha no i'm kidding, I'm Jane" my mom says and Corbyn just nods. "So i made a curry with some rice I hope you like it" she says and she walks to the kitchen. "Sorry for my mom" I whisper to Corbyn and he chuckles, "It's fine".

During dinner we all just talk and laugh, there's nothing tensed or awkward about this dinner. It's just nice, it feels like it used to be. But now my dad isn't here but my friend is here. "So Corbyn I heard that you want to go to Harvard to study astrology?" my mom says and Corbyn nods, "That's why i transferred schools, this school gives me a better chance at getting accepted" he says and my mom nods, "Well i hope you get in, you deserve it" she says and Corbyn smiles.

When dinner's over my mom leaves the house to take a yoga lesson, I didn't know she did those things but i'm fine with it.

"So uhm, I don't want to be rude or anything but could you maybe drop me off at home soonish, cause i still need to finish my english paper" Corbyn says while he plays with a bracelet he's wearing. "Oh yeah of course! I still need to finish it myself too" I say and he smiles. I get up from the couch, "Do you want me to bring you back now?" I ask while i walk to the little bench by the front door, "If that's possible?" he asks. "Of course!" I say and i sit down to put on my boots. I look out of the little window by the front door, it started snowing. I put on my coat, scarf and this time i also grab some gloves since i need to shove the snow off of my car again. Corbyn also puts on his red converse and his coat, "You ready to face the reporters again?" I ask and he nods, "Are you okey by the way? With all the reporters at your house?" he asks and i bite my lip. "Well i'm not doing great but i'm not doing bad either. It sucks that there are reporters at my house, but it could be worse" I say and he nods. I open the front door and we quickly walk to my car, I start it and i get out again to clean the windows. Corbyn also gets out and he helps me clean my windows. He's so nice!

When we're done we get back in the car, "Thanks for doing that" I say and he smiles at me, "It's the least i can do back" he says.

I exit my driveway and i start to drive to his house, I still know how i need to drive cause i have a good memory i guess.

When we arrive at his house he looks at me, "Thank you so much" he says and i smile, "Your welcome! I'll be here at 7.10am tomorrow morning be ready" I say and he smiles, "I will". Then he opens the door and he runs to his house. 

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