Chapter 16

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While driving to school i realize that Corbyn has to walk through the snow, maybe i can pick him up tomorrow morning? Cause nothing sucks more than walking through huge piles of snow if you have to get to school. You're socks are going to be soaked plus your jeans are going to get wet too...

When i arrive at school i immediately walk to my locker, "Omg there's the thief again" I hear this girl whisper next to me, I look at her. "Sorry did you want to say something to my face?" I ask and her whole face turns red and she quickly walks away. I just shake my head and i put my coat, scarf and my gym bag in my locker. I close it and i look around me, hm Corbyn isn't here yet. Maybe he overslept?

I start walking to my class when i run into Sophie, she's talking with 5 other girls and they all stop talking and look at me with bitchy faces. I just smile at them and then i enter my classroom, I look around me. Corbyn isn't here yet.

Slowly the class starts to fill with students but Corbyn isn't one of them, then the teacher enters the classroom, she reaches for the doorknob to close the door when it suddenly gets pulled open. "Sorry" Corbyn quickly says to the teacher and he walks to his seat next to me and he sits down. "Omg look at him, he's all soaked from the snow!" this girl says and Corbyn's cheeks heat up, "You okey?" I ask quietly. "Well i'm fine i guess, I just hate the fact that it snowed" he says and i nod, "Yeah I get that" I say and then the teacher asks us to be silent and we start to pay attention.

When class is over we walk to our lockers to grab our gym clothes, "So Corbyn, my mom asked me to invite you over for dinner" I say while i look up to him, "So uh do you wanna come?" I ask and a smile appears on Corbyn's face. "I'd love to come!" he says and i smile. "Oh and i was wanting to ask you something else too" I say and i close my locker, we slowly start to walk in the direction of the dressing rooms, "So uh since it snowed and you don't own a car, I thought that if you would be okey with it, that i could maybe give you a ride to school and back home?" I say while i play with my sleeves. I hope he doesn't think i like him or something, cause i don't. Well, maybe i do. But it isn't obvious right? "Ahw that's so sweet of you! Are you sure it isn't too big of a bargain for you?" he asks and I shake my head no, "I'd love to do it" I say and we smile at each other. I know that i don't know Corbyn for that long, but i already know that we're gonna be good friends.

I walk into my dressing room and he walks into his when we arrive there, I grab my black sports legging and my pink t shirt and i quickly change, then i walk to a mirror. I pull my hair out of the bun and I make a ponytail. When i'm done with that i walk to the indoor field, I sit down at a bench and i wait for the others to enter the field. Me and Sophie never had that much classes together, I used to hate that but now i'm actually happy about it. I bet that she would've made fun of me the whole time otherwise. But unfortunately we do share PE....

She enters the field with some girls and she immediately walks up to the guys. Her boyfriend is a year older than us so he's already in college, I bet he doesn't know that she keeps flirting with all the other guys from our school.

Then Corbyn enters the field, he has red cheeks and he quickly sits down, I frown. He looks embarrassed or something. I get up and i walk up to him, "Are you okey?" I ask and he looks up to me, "What? Oh yeah no i'm fine" he says quickly but i'm not buying his lie. "Corbyn" I say, "It's nothing really" he says. I look around me, all the guys are wearing black nike t-shirts and the girls are wearing nike too. It's an expensive sports brand. I look at my own clothes, i'm wearing nike too. Did they made a comments about his clothes? "Did they say something?" I ask and Corbyn looks back at me, "It's nothing, they just said that i was too poor to afford any nike" he says and I feel the anger coming up. "They're assholes don't listen to them" I say and he bites his lip, "The painful thing is" he says while he looks away from me, "They are right" he says with a soft voice, I have trouble hearing him. "Well you do not need them, you look fine in your brandless clothes" I say and he smiles at me, "Thanks, but it just sucks" he says and I nod, "I know, but just know it'll get easier. And your clothes do not define you" I say and he shakes his head no, "yeah i get that, but i was talking about the money, it just sucks that we do not have that much" he says and i bite my lip. "Well if there's anything i can do to help you should let me know" I say and he nods.

Then the coach enters the field and we all look at him.

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