Chapter 31

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When the movie is over my mom and I both get up from the couch, I put our plates away and my mom turns off the tv. "I think i'm going to bed now" I say and my mom nods. "Yeah me too" she says and she looks at me and smiles, "What?" I ask confused. "I'm so happy that you're going on that date tomorrow, you really deserve to be happy" she says and i smile, "Well you deserve to be happy too" I say and my mom also smiles. "Oh can i ask you something" I say and my mom nods, "Yeah of course". "So uhm I really need your help with picking out my outfit for tomorrow" I say and i bite my lip, "So uh could you help me?" I add. My mom smiles, "Of course I can help you!" she says and she pulls me into a hug. "Goodnight" I say, "Goodnight sweetie" my mom replies and we both let go. I walk up the stairs and my mom walks to her bedroom. When I enter my bedroom I let myself fall onto my bed with a huge smile. I can't wait till it's tomorrow, I can't wait till Corbyn and I are going to the fair.
After 5 minutes of imagining how our date would go i get up and I change into my pj's, just some simple black leggings and a black t-shirt. I walk to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my face.
When I'm done with my whole night routine I let myself fall down onto my bed and I pull the covers up till my nose. I pull my laptop to my lap and I open netflix, I'm almost done with the first season of you. Can't wait to start season 2. It's now 11pm and I decide that 1 episode is enough and that I should really sleep after that.

I wake up cause of the sun shining in my eyes, I totally forgot to close my blinds yesterday. I groan and I stretch my body, I rub my eyes and grab my phone. It's now 10am, I could finally sleep in again.
After 10 minutes of getting lost on insta and tik tok I get up and I walk down the stairs. I see that my mom is already sitting downstairs, "Morning" I say while i walk to the kitchen, "Morning sweetie, how did you sleep?" she asks. "Good what about you?" I ask, "Yeah also good, are you excited for today?" she asks and I smile. "How can I not be excited?" I say and my mom laughs.
We talk a bit about my date while we eat breakfast. When we're both done I walk back upstairs, it's now 10.45am. Corbyn is gonna pick me up at 3pm so i just need to kill some time before it's finally time to get ready for my date. I do decide to shower now and just wear some comfy clothes. I turn on the shower and wash my hair and body. When i'm done with that I wrap myself in a soft towel. I put on some underwear and a bathrobe. Then I walk back to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.
When i'm done with that I sit back down at my bed, I open my laptop and I start to watch you. I'm at the last episode of the first season right now.

When I'm watching the third episode of the second season my om knocks on my door and enters my room. "Hey sweetie, shall we eat some lunch and then get you ready for your date?" my mom says and I nod. I close my laptop and I follow her down the stairs. "So I made some scrambled eggs with a bagel cause i know you like that" she says and I smile, "Ahww thanks mom" I say.
We sit down at the table and we start to eat. "So do you have some ideas about your outfit?" my mom asks and I quickly swallow my food to answer her. "Well I was thinking to wear my red plaid pants but further than that i haven't come" I say and my mom nods.
When we're finished with the lunch I help my mom clean up the table and the kitchen and then we walk upstairs to my room. "So let me see" my mom says and she opens my closet, she grabs the plaid pants i talked about and puts them on my bed. "What about this sweater?" she says while she holds up a white sweater with puffed sleeves. "Oh yeah that could look good!" I say, my mom nods. "And then your black boots with them and your black coat right?" she asks and I nod. "Okey well why don't you put that on and then we'll decide what to do with your hair" my mom says and I nod. I put my robe away and I put on the clothes, "You look amazing in those clothes sweetie" my mom says and i blush, "Your legs look even longer in those pants than they really are" she says. "So your hair" my mom says and I sit down at my little make up table. "So I was thinking of a messy bun maybe?" I say and my mom nods, "Yeah that would look beautiful, you need help with that?" she asks and I nod. My mom is so good in doing hair and makeup so if i ever need to look pretty I always ask her help. My mom puts my hair up in a messy bun and pulls some straws of hair out of the bun.
"Done" she says with a smile on her face, "It looks super pretty thanks mom!" I say and I get up and give her a hug. "I'm just gonna wear some mascara and that's it" I say when i sit back down at my makeup table. "You don't even need mascara" my mom says and she sits down at my bed and watches me put on my mascara.
When I'm done with that I put on some perfume and then I'm ready, I check the time and it's 2.45pm right now. Corbyn is here in like 15 minutes. My mom and I both walk down the stairs and I wait till Corbyn's here. 

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