Chapter 26

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2 weeks later
I'm now sitting in my room at my desk, the first tests are this week so i'm studying like crazy right now. Everything is going okey, the reporters still haven't come back so that's nice :) My mom got a job! She's working at this big business thing in town, I'm super happy for her. Now that she got a job she feels like she's doing something with her life again. Corbyn and I are still just friends unfortunately, I just don't have the guts to tell him how i really feel. Every morning is a huge struggle, cause i want to wear an outfit that i think Corbyn likes. But some days i just give up, I can't look inside his head so i really have zero idea what he likes. I'm still staring at him in class and unfortunately he catched me multiple times, but I have seen him looking at me too. So that's a good sign right?
Anyways, the fair is coming to our town this weekend and i'm really looking forward to it! I used to go with my dad or with Sophie, but this year i'm gonna ask Corbyn if he wants to come with me. I'm just gonna do it, I do need to gain some confidence but I'll be fine. At least I think.
The detective who's put on my dad's case hasn't been bothering us since the one visit she gave us. They still don't know where my dad is so i think she'll be visiting my mom and I again soon.
The prank calls haven't stopped, I haven't answered any of them but i still receive them. Anonymous numbers just keep calling me, I'm really doubting if i should change my number. But that's a concern for later, it's now sunday evening and i need to go to school tomorrow, I get up from my desk and i walk to my closet. What on earth should i wear? After literally 10 minutes i decide to go with some black mom jeans and a yellow sweater with a turtleneck. I walk down the stairs to grab a late night snack when i run into my mom, "Hey mom" I say and my mom looks up from the table. "Oh hey sweetie" she says while she smiles at me, "How's the studying going?" she asks and i shrug my shoulders. "Fine i guess, i'm done for tonight so that's nice" I say while i smile. "Good, are you planning on going to the fair on saturday?" my mom asks and i nod, "Well yeah but I wanted to ask Corbyn if he wanted to come with me" I say while i walk to the table and sit down across my mom. "Oeehh as in a date?" she asks and i nod, "I thought that it was time for me to finally tell him bout my feelings" I say and my mom smiles at me. "Well i am a hundred percent sure he says yes" she says and i laugh. "Let's just hope he does, otherwise it would be quite awkward and humiliating" I say and my mom nods, "Oh and i still need to gain the confidence for it tho" I add and my mom laughs. "You'll be fine sweetie" she says.
My mom and i talk for a little bit and then I walk back up the stairs, I completely forgot to grab a snack but that's fine. I'll just brush my teeth now and watch some netflix, I'm addicted to this show called you on netflix, it's just so incredibly good!
I enter my bathroom and i brush my teeth and wash my face, then i put on my pj's and i get under the covers. The snowstorm we were expecting didn't came after all, so unfortunately we didn't have any snow days. The good thing is that the temperature is slowly going up again and the snow is gone now. I grab my laptop and i put it on my lap, I open netflix and I start my new favorite show you. It's such a fascinating serie, cause well Joe literally kills people and stalks people and fakes his whole entire identity. But for some reason it all seems super normal to me.

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