Chapter 70

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"I'm so proud of you! It's really good of you, you know that right?" Corbyn says when I'm finished, "Yeah I know, but I don't know. It also feels kinda wrong, betraying my dad" I say and he nods. He grabs my hands and he looks in my eyes, "You did the right thing, I get that it's hard to do, but just know that you really did the right thing and your dad gets that" he says and I nod. "So what do you want to do now?" Corbyn asks, "Well I got some ideas" I say and I Corbyn smiles. Our lips connect again and we have a passionate make out session.
When we're in the middle of the make out session my mom knocks on the door, we immediately stop and get off of each other, I quickly get up from the bed and look at the door, "Come in!" I yell and my mom opens the door. "Hey sweetie and Corbyn, so i was wondering if you guys wanted to order some food with me" my mom says, "Oh yeah sure" I say. "So Corbyn what do you want to eat?" my mom says and she grabs her phone, "Oh uh whatever you guys want" he replies and my mom smiles, "Well I'm asking you now, so what do you want" she says. "Uhm pizza?" he says and my mom nods, "Pizza it is, what kind do you want?" my mom asks and before he can answer I already do, "He wants margherita, he's so basic" I say and he laughs. "And what do you want?" my mom asks and she looks at me, "Hawaii!" I say and this time Corbyn makes a comment, "Well who eats hawaii? The italians hate you" he says and I laugh. "I'll call you guys when the dinner's ready" she says and she exits my room, she closes the door behind her and I hear her walk down the stairs.

The next morning I'm woken up by a shower of kisses from Corbyn, I giggle and I slowly open my eyes. "Goodmorning babe" he says with a smile on his face, "Goodmorning bean" I reply and I give him a kiss on his cheek. "What time is it?" I ask while I push myself up so I sit up straight, "I have no idea" he says and grabs his phone, "Oh it's 10pm" he says and I nod. "Great, than we have enough to shower and get ready for our lunch date" I say and Corbyn looks confused, "Lunch date?" he asks and I smile, "Yep I reserved a spot at this cute diner for noon, so get you lazy ass out of the bed and shower!" I say and he smiles and shakes his head, "How on earth do I have the most amazing girlfriend ever" he says and I smile. He gets up from the bed and he walks to the shower, he pulls of his shorts and he gets in. I also get out of the bed and grab two towels, one for me and one for Corbyn. I hang them on the heater and I brush my teeth. I put on Justin Bieber's new album and Corbyn immediately starts to sing along, I laugh, "I guess that you like the album too?" I say and Corbyn also laughs. And that sound was just amazing, cause he was in the shower his laugh kinda echoed through the bathroom and I love his laugh. I spit out my toothpaste and clean my mouth with some water. I see that Corbyn wraps the towel around his waist in the corner of my eye and I look at him. He walks up to me and gives me a kiss on my forehead, "I'm gonna get dressed hurry up huh" he says with a smirk, I shake my head and smile. I pull of Corbyn's t-shirt i was wearing and I get in the shower, I wash my body and hair while singing along to the songs.
I get out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel, I walk back to my room to see Corbyn sitting on my bed looking at me, "What?" I ask and I feel my cheeks heating up, "I read this thing that if you see a person you love with wet hair they look even more beautiful and damn, didn't know that was possible" he says and my cheeks are now a dark red colour. I don't really know what to answer so I give him a kiss, then I walk to my closet and I'm trying to decide what to wear. I decide to go for the baby blue skirt i bought the other day, I grab a white t-shirt for over it. I put it on and I make a little knot in the t-shirt to make it look a bit more cute. "That skirt looks so good on you" Corbyn says while he stands behind me, he wraps his arms around my waist and leans on my head with his chin. "Well thanks, I bought it when I also bought your sweaters" I say and Corbyn smiles. "Thanks again for the sweaters! I really love them!" he says and I smile. He has one on right now combined with some navy shorts. Corbyn let's go off me and he enters the bathroom, I hear him brushing his teeth and smile. I sit down at my little make up table and I start with my makeup, I'm just keeping it simple, just some mascara and highlighter. I spray some perfume on and grab my light blue denim jacket and I'm ready to go. I put my wallet in my pocket and I hold my phone in my hand, "Shall we go?" I ask and Corbyn nods, we walk down the stairs and my mom already left for work, we might have vacation but she still has to work. Except for yesterday of course, luckily her boss was willing to give her a day off. I grab my car keys and throw them to Corbyn, he catches them and we walk to the front door. I open it and we exit the house, while I lock the door Corbyn already walks to the car. 

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