Chapter 11

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What is Corbyn doing here? Is he going to my school? All sorts of questions are going through my head. "We don't need a poor rat like you" this guy says and i clench my fists, I walk up to that guy and i grab him by his arm. "Leave him alone" i say and everyone laughs, "The daughter of a thief is helping out a poor rat, don't they make a beautiful couple?" he says and they all laugh. I sigh and I let go of him, I look at Corbyn and i can see that he's confused. I bite my lip and i quickly walk to my class, then someone grabs my shoulder, "Mia?" Corbyn says. I look up to him, "Hey" I say with a soft voice. "Thanks for sticking up for me" he says and i smile, "Anytime" I say. "But uh what did that guy mean with: daughter of a thief?" he asks, I look at my hands. "Well uhm, my dad stole money from innocent people and then he ran off" I say and i'm scared to look up. "That's awful, why are they bullying you for something your dad did?" he says with and i can hear the anger. I smile and i look up to him, "Well why are they bullying you for the fact that you don't have as much money as them?" I ask and he smiles. "I guess we'll never find out" he says and i also smile.

"So what class do you have right now?" he asks, "Math, you?" I reply, "Omg same!" he says and a smile immediately appears on my face. He's so cute and sweet to me, he doesn't even care that my dad's a criminal! We walk to math together while talking about it, "I hate this subject so much" I say while we enter the classroom, "Yeah same here, I'm not good at it at all" he says and i laugh, "Same here".

The rest of the class slowly enters the room, I haven't seen Sophie yet but i bet she'll make nasty comments too.

When the class is completely filled the teacher enters the room, "I hope you all had a wonderful holiday, now we're gonna start with school again. Since it's your last year here we need to start immediately, no time for fun anymore" our math teacher says, Corbyn groans, I look over to him, "What's wrong?" I whisper. "I don't have that much freetime for school... " he whispers back. "Why not?" I whisper, "Work" he also whispers. I bite my lip and i focus on the lesson. I feel really bad for Corbyn, I didn't realize he had to work that much...

When math is over we walk to english, I'm super happy that we got the exact same schedules! I think i made a new friend who doesn't care about my family or wealth.

"So can i help you with math so you have more time for work?" I ask and Corbyn smiles at me, "No it's fine but thanks for offering tho", I just smile as an answer. When we arrive at the classroom someone grabs my arm, "I bet you helped your dad you thief" this girl i never saw before says and she spits in my face. I frown and i push her off me, I quickly walk to the bathrooms, my classmates are laughing and making fun of me. When i finally enter the restrooms I wash the spit off my face, I wipe my face off with some toilet paper and i look in the mirror.

Do i look like a thief? Am i like my dad?

While those thoughts rush through my head Corbyn enters the bathroom and he grabs my arm, "Don't think about them, they're just assholes" he says and i give him a weak smile. "I just never expected my dad to steal" I say and tears start to form in my eyes. "Well i don't know if this makes you feel better, but i think that you're really sweet, plus i think that you and your dad are two completely different persons" he says and he smiles at me. I just sigh, "Thanks for saying that" I say, "Just know that those kids are talking bullshit, don't listen to them okey?" he says and i nod. Then I grab my backpack and we walk to english. "Omg they are such a good couple! The poor rat with the thief" a familiar voice screams. I turn around and i look in Sophie her eyes. 

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