Chapter 4

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I keep looking at the backdoor in the hope my dad will show up again. But he doesn't... Then i hear a crack and the front door falls onto the ground, I startle and i look up to the door. 5 police officers enter the house and they hold their guns at me, "Put your hands where I can see them!" a man yells at me and i immediately hold up my hands. My mom also puts her hands in the air and she looks confused.

What the fuck is going on?! Then a woman enters the house, "Is he here?" she asks and she looks at a police officer. "We haven't found him yet, but his daughter and wife are over there" he says while he points at us. The woman looks at me and she starts to walk to me. "So you must be Mia Scott huh?" she says and i just nod. "So where's your dad?" she asks and she sits down at the table. "I-i don't k-know" I say while tripping over my own words. "You guys can sit down" she says and my mom and i sit down and I let out a breath i didn't know i was holding in. "So I'm going to ask it again, where is your dad?" she asks and i sigh. "I just said that i didn't know, did you think in those 5 seconds i suddenly do know?" I say with a sharp tone and i look at her. I kinda startle myself with the tone i'm having right now but i decided that it's alright for now. The woman doesn't say anything and she gets up from the table, "Your husband, where is he" she asks my mom. My mom doesn't answer, she just keeps holding up her arms and looks out of the window. The woman shakes her head, "And?" she asks one of the police officers. "He's nowhere to be found" he says and she nods. "I'll be back" she says while she looks at me and she exits the house. Slowly the police officers leave too and it's just me and my mom again.

What did just happen? My hands are shaking from the anger and adrenaline, where is my dad? I get up from my chair and i walk to the back door, it's now closed. I open it and i look in our backyard. Maybe he hid somewhere, no he did not, then the police officers would have found him right?

I'm having fights with my own thought while walking through our garden. I sit down at a bench underneath my favorite tree, it's a blossom tree. I look up to the tree and i suddenly see something hanging at a branch. I get up from the bench and i reach to the thing, when i finally reach it i grab it and i sit back down at the bench. It's a note! I slowly open it, hoping that there would be information about where my parents are. But when i open it disappointment is the only thing i feel. 

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