Chapter 44

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When I wake up the next morning it's quite easy for me to get out of bed, but that's mainly cause i'm having another date with Corbyn:)
I walk to my closet and I decide to go for another comfy outfit, I don't think Corbyn really cares about what I'm wearing. I grab some blue thick sport leggings and my fluffy white sweater, I put them on my bed and I walk to the shower. I stand in there until i really need to get out otherwise I'll be late. I quickly wrap a towel around myself and I almost run to my bed, I quickly dry myself and put on the clothes. I run back to the bathroom and quickly brush my teeth. Then I run down the stairs to eat breakfast, I quickly grab a bowl and pour the cereals and milk in it. Then I grab a spoon and I quickly start eating it while I keep a close eye to the time, when i finished the bowl I run to the front door to put on my shoes, "See you tonight mom!" I yell and I put on my coat, "See you then! Good luck with math!" my mom yells back and I exit the house.

I'm already done with the math test, I'm now standing in front of my locker waiting till Corbyn also finished his test. Math went pretty good! I practiced everything so i have a good feeling! I'm just on instagram looking at those influencers, they all look like they're having the best time of their live but i doubt it. "Heeyy" I suddenly hear Corbyn say, I look up from my phone and I look directly in his beautiful blue eyes. "Hey!" I reply and we both grab our coats, "How did it go?" I ask and Corbyn smiles, "It went really good!!" he says and I smile. "How did it go with you?" he asks, "Also pretty good!" I say and we both smile. "I even think that physics was harder" I say and Corbyn nods, "Yeah for sure".

When we arrive at my place we both get out of the car and we enter my house, "So we need to be there around 3pm right?" I say and Corbyn nods, "Yep, so we still got some to buy some snacks and eat some lunch". "Sooo I have a little surprise, do you have your drivers license?" I ask and Corbyn nods, "Yeah I do but I never drive". "That doesn't matter, so my mom and I have this old truck that belonged to her dad, we can take it to the movie so we can sit in the trunk!" I say and Corbyn smiles, "You guys have everything huh". I laugh, "Well no" I say and he also laughs. I walk to the door that leads to our garage, "Here it is" I say while i open the door. Corbyn and I enter the garage, and there it is. The red truck that used to be my grandfather's, he died a couple of years ago. "Wow this is so cool!" Corbyn says and I smile, "And the most amazing thing is that you're gonna drive us there!" I say and he looks at me with a surprised face. "Really??" he asks and I nod, "Really" I say and he runs to me. He grabs my face with both of his hands he kisses me, I wrap my arms around his neck. After a while we both pull back, "Omg you're too sweet" he says and I just smile.
"So lunch" Corbyn says after a while and I nod, we walk back to the kitchen. "So uh we can make mac n cheese?" I say and Corbyn nods, "Yeah that sounds good" he says and we start.
Making the food is a lot of fun, Corbyn and I just joke around and make each other laugh the whole time.
When the mac n cheese is done we sit down at the table, "How's Ashley doing?" I ask while i take a bite. "She's doing way better! She even went to school today!" he says and I smile, "I'm glad she's doing better".
We just talk a bit and then we put on our coats and shoes, we walk to the garage and get in the truck, "It's been a while since i've driven tho" Corbyn says and I shrug my shoulders, "You'll be fine" I say and I smile at him. He smiles back at me and he starts the car, I open the door and we drive away.
During the drive to walmart we just sing along to some music and talk. When we arrive there we both get out and we enter the store, I grab a cart and we start walking around. "So what do you really want?" I ask, we're standing in front of the chips aisle, "Uhmm doritos" Corbyn says after a while, "Which one?" I ask and Corbyn is quiet. "Well we always have the cheese one and I really like that" he says. "Then we'll take that one" I say, Corbyn grabs it and now it's my turn to pick out some chips. "Did you ever taste these?" I say while i hold up doritos and then the sour cream version, "Uhm no i don't think so" he says and I smile, "Then we'll also take this one" I say. And this is exactly how we walk through the store, I let Corbyn pick out his snacks and then I pick out the ones that I love. After 10 minutes half of our cart is filled, "So I think we have enough" I say and Corbyn laughs, "Hahaha yep I agree".
We walk to the cashier and I see that Corbyn reaches in his pocket, "What are you doing, don't you remember the deal we made?" I say and Corbyn sighs, "Finee" he says and I laugh. I quickly grab my credit card and I pay for all the food. Then we walk with 4 bags back to the truck, "Oh by the way I've put like a hundred pillows and blankets in the trunk as well" I say while we get closer, we open the front and Corbyn laughs, "Damn those are a lot of blankets" he says and I also laugh. "Well it isn't quite warm out here" I say and Corbyn nods, "That's true". We put the bags in there as well and then we close the trunk, we walk back to the front and get in. Corbyn starts the car and we're heading to the drive thru movie now. I'm really excited, I've never been to something like that but i've always wanted to go to something like this!

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