Chapter 53

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Halfway in the movie Corbyn falls asleep on top of me, he has his head on my chest and his arms around my waist. I slowly go through his hair while I continue to watch the movie, it feels so nice to go through his hair.
I finish the rest of the movie while going through Corbyn's hair, I honestly love the feeling so much. When the movie's over I turn the tv off and I just look at Corbyn's face, he looks so incredibly cute when he sleeps. While I'm staring as a creep he wakes up, he lets go off my waist and he pushes himself up, he sits on my lap and he looks at me. "Did i seriously sleep on you?" he asks, "Wasn't I like way to heavy?" he adds and I shake my head no. "No it was fine really, I liked it" I say. "Oh well in that case" he says and he lays back down on my chest, "Well I really need to pee now soo" I say and he laughs, he rolls off of me. I swing my legs out of the bed and I walk to the toilet, I quickly do my deeds and wash my hands. Then I enter the room again, "So what time is it?" I say and I sit back down at the bed, Corbyn grabs his phone, "It's now 7pm" he says and I nod, "No wonder I'm so hungry" I say and he laughs. "Well let's make or order some food then" Corbyn says, "I think we need to go for the last option, we really need to do some grocery shopping tomorrow" I say and Corbyn nods, "I guess we have to order then" he says, "Yep too bad" I say and we both burst out in laughter. I get up from the bed and walk to my desk, I grab my phone and I open the app postmates, "So what shall we order?" I ask while I walk back to the bed. "Hmm, you pick" he says and I nod, "Are burgers okey?" I ask and he nods, "Yeah sure". "Good cause I was really craving some fries" I say and Corbyn laughs.
While I'm ordering the food Corbyn is calling with his siblings, "That was Ash, my parents aren't home and her and Jordan both don't really know how to cook" Corbyn says and I nod, "Well I can order some extra food and then we can pick them up?" I ask and Corbyn smiles, "You're okey with that?" he asks and I nod, "Yeah of course why not!" I say and Corbyn walks up to me and lifts me in the air, "I'm so lucky with you" he says and he kisses me. I laugh and I kiss him back, then we pull back. "So what do they like?" I ask, "Uhm just order a normal burger and some fries for both of them" Corbyn says and I nod.
"Well let's go and get them then" I say and I get up from the bed, I put on some fuzzy socks and i exit my room, Corbyn follows me. I put on some sport sneakers I never wear cause they're too big but that doesn't matter now. "Shall we go?" I ask and Corbyn nods, he's putting on a sweatshirt I wore this morning and then he follows me to my car.
I already see Ashley and Jordan standing on the side step when we pull up to Corbyn's street. I park the car next to them and they both get in, "Thank you so much Mia" Ashley says and I smile, "It's fine really" I say and she smiles back. "Yeah thanks" Jordan also says and I just smile as an answer. I start the car and our drive back to my place starts, "Do you guys like milkshakes?" I ask and Jordan frowns, "Who doesn't love milkshakes?" he replies and I smile. "Well in that case, let's get some milkshakes shall we?" I say and Corbyn smiles at me and puts his hand on my thigh.
I pull up to the drive thru from macdonald's and we order some milkshakes, Corbyn hands me his credit card and I shake my head, "It was my idea and you're staying at my place, I'm paying" I say and I grab my own credit card. "I could try" Corbyn says and I laugh, "Yep but you failed" I say and he also laughs, "If it was up to you I never pay" he says, "That's completely true" I say.
When we enter my street Ashley and Jordan are shook, "Damn these houses are huge" Jordan says and I bite my lip, I hope he doesn't think we bought the house with the money my dad stole or something, cause that's not the case at all. I park my car in front of my house and I take a deep breath, "So uh yeah this is my house" I say while I turn off the car and open my door, "Wow this house is soooo cool!!" Ashley says and she immediately gets out of the car, Jordan follows her and they're both talking about the size of my house. I nervously get out of the car as well, I immediately feel Corbyn's safe arm around my waist, "They're just a bit overwhelmed" he says and I nod. We walk to the front door and I open the door, we all enter the house and I immediately kick off my shoes and put them next to the door, the others do the same. "Hey wait is that Bean's sweater?" Ashley asks, I look at my sweater and my cheeks lightly heat up, "Oh uh yeah" I say and she smiles, "It suits you really good, better than it looks on Bean" she says and Corbyn playfully pushes her. "Hahaha I know right?" I say and I throw my hair over my shoulder, Ashley, Corbyn and I all burst out in laughter and then we walk to the table. "So uh we can eat at the table or at the couch while we watch a movie?" I say, "Oeehh can we eat it on the couch?" Jordan asks and I smile, "Yeah sure" I say and I grab my phone. "So the food should arrive in like 10 minutes so why don't we pick out a movie we can watch" I say while I walk to the couch. I turn on the tv, "So do we want to watch something from disney or netflix?" I ask and Ashley and Jordan look at each other. "Netflix!" they say at the same time and I laugh, well why don't you guys pick out a movie" I say while I hand Jordan the remote and get up from the couch. I grab my milkshake from the table and I take a sip, "I'm really thankful that you wanted them to eat with us" Corbyn says and he gives me a kiss on my forehead, "Well of course! They're really nice, plus I love to share my house" I say and he smiles, "You're too good for this world". I smile and I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers, we're both watching Ashley and Jordan fight over the movie we're gonna watch and to be honest; it's quite entertaining. 

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