Chapter 35

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When I'm done with chemistry and history now i only have history and economics left!
I get up from my desk and I grab my phone from my nightstand, it's now 11.30am. I decide to watch a piece of a episode from you, I'm really addicted to that show.
When it's 11.45 my mom knocks on my door and enters my room, "You ready to go sweetie?" my mom asks and I nod. "Yeah I just need to put on my shoes and coat" I say while I put my laptop on my desk, I plug the charger in it and then I follow my mom down the stairs. "Okey so first Taco Bell and then grocery shopping right?" my mom asks and I nod. "Yep" I say and I sit down to put on my black boots.

When we enter Taco Bell I immediately spot Corbyn, my mom already went to a table and i'm going to order. Corbyn doesn't see me so I quietly walk up to him. He's the one who takes the orders, "Hey!" I say and Corbyn immediately turns around, "Mia? What are you doing here?" he asks with a smile. "Just wanted to surprise you" I say and I also smile. "So uh do you want to order something?" he asks and I nod, "Yess" I say.
I order the food and I talk a bit with Corbyn, it's not busy at all so he got some time for me. Then my order is ready and I walk to the table where my mom's sitting. "You guys look so cute" my mom says while I sit down across her. "Mommm we aren't even a couple" I say and my mom smiles, "Yet" she says and I confused look at her. "Huh?" I say and my mom laughs. "You guys aren't a couple yet" my mom says and I feel my cheeks heating up. "Well we'll see about that" I say and my mom laughs. "Well let's eat" she says and I nod in agreement, I'm pretty hungry.

When we arrive back home I help my mom unload the groceries and then i go back to my room, I only need to do history and economics and then I'm done with studying for this weekend! I sit down behind my desk and I sigh, I don't really want to study but I know I have to. If i want to get in on Harvard I need to have a perfect GPA.

When it's around 6pm I'm finally done with everything, I know it all and I think I'm gonna nail those exames. I seriously know everything and I'm pretty proud of myself. I even get math! I close my laptop and I walk down the stairs to grab something to drink, "Hey mom" I say while I walk to the fridge. "Hey sweetie, are you done with studying?" she asks and I nod. "Then I'm gonna start with the dinner, I'm gonna make soup you want to help?" my mom asks and I nod, "Yeah sure!" I say and I walk to the kitchen counter and I put my glass down.
I'm having a lot of fun with my mom while we're cooking, I really love the fact that we're getting closer and closer. Now my dad's gone we only have each other. Talking about my dad, we haven't heard from him since the day he ran away.
Just when my mom wants to pour the soup in two bowls our doorbell rings. We both look at each other, "Do you expect someone?" my mom asks and I shake my head no. "I'll look" I say and I walk to the front door, I look through the little window next to the door, "It's that detective again" I say and my mom sighs. I open the door, "Hello can I help you?" I ask while blocking the entrance to our house, detective Tanner doesn't care about that at all and she just pushes me aside and enters the house. "So I'm here to talk about James" she says while she looks around. She picks up some magazines but I immediately grab them out of her hands, "If you want to snoop through our stuff you need a search warrant" I say. Tanner forces a smile, "Are you interested in the law Mia?" she asks. "Well no but I do know some things so why don't you tell us why you're really here?" I say and my mom walks up to me and stands next to me. "Well I wanted to ask you guys some more questions" she says and my mom points to the table, "Well why don't we sit down and we'll see if we can answer those questions".
We all walk to the table, my mom and I sit next to each other and Tanner sits across us. "So, to start, where is James" Tanner asks and I shake my head. "I thought we already told you but I'll tell you again, we do not know" I say and Tanner smiles. "Well are you really certain about that?" she says and I frown, "Uhm yeah we are" I say and she shakes her head. "If you work with me I won't put you and your mom behind bars" she says and I shake my head. "Listen Tanner, leave me and my daughter alone. We do not know where James is" my mom says and she gets up from the table, "I'll show you to the door" she says and she walks to the front door. Tanner slowly gets up and she looks at me for a very long time, "I bet you guys know where he is" she says. My mom and I both don't answer. When she's at the door my mom looks her right in the face, "If you ever decide to come here again please come with some better questions" my mom says and then she slams the door in her face. "A weird woman" my mom says and I nod in agreement. "Well let's eat our soup and then maybe watch a movie or something" my mom says, "Yeah" I say and I walk to the kitchen to grab the soup. 

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