Chapter 69

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My mom's waiting for me by my car, she immediately pulls me into a tight hug, "You did great sweetie" she says but i don't answer. Why do I feel so bad? I just did a good thing right? I helped the police get a criminal. But why do I feel like I did the most horrible thing a person could possibly do?
I feel numb when the police gets the equipments off of me, I just kinda let it happen. Then my mom guides me back to the car and places me on the chair. "You okey sweetie?" she asks and I look her in the face, "I don't really know, it feels like i'm torn in two pieces. I know i did a good thing helping the police get my dad, but I also feel like I betrayed him" I say and my mom nods understanding, "I totally get you sweetie, I also have that feeling, but just know that he was a disgusting person, he stole money cause he was bored" my mom says and I nod, "I know, but he was still my dad" I say and she nods. "I get it sweetie, it's okey to feel guilty that's completely natural" she says and I nod. Then she closes the door and gets behind the steering wheel, she starts the car.

After a few minutes of driving I notice that we're not driving into the direction of our house, "Mom where are we going?" I ask and my mom smiles, "You deserve a milkshake" she says and a smile also appears on my face.
When we arrive back home I sit down at the kitchen table, I take a sip from my milkshake and look at my mom, "I did the right thing" I say talking about dad. My mom nods and squats in front of me, she grabs my hands and she looks in my eyes, "You indeed did the right thing" she says and she smiles at me. I smile back, she gets back up and sits next to me, "So at what time is Corbyn arriving?" she asks, "Around 6pm" I say and my mom nods, "Well it's now 5pm, you want to watch a little part of a Harry Potter movie?" she asks and I nod. We get up and take a seat on the couch, I take my milkshake with me and my mom turns the movie on.
When the doorbell rings I jump up from the couch and I run to the front door, I open the door and there's Corbyn. I jump into his arms and wrap my legs around his waist, he holds me by my legs, I wrap my arms around his neck and hold him tightly. "I've missed you so much" I say, "I missed you too" he replies and he kisses my forehead. He puts me back down and he greets my mom, "So how was it at your grandma's?" I ask and he smiles, "It was so nice! I don't get to see her that often so i was glad I got to spend some time with her" he says and I smile. "Oh and I got you something" he says and a huge smile appears on his face, he grabs his weekend bag and he holds it up. "It's in here" he says and I smile, "I also got you something" I say and we both laugh. "I thought we agreed that we weren't gonna do gifts" Corbyn says, "Yeah well I guess we both didn't really care about that" I reply and we both laugh again. "Well why don't we go upstairs to exchange gifts?" I ask and Corbyn nods. We walk to my room and I close the door behind us, on my bed are the gifts I bought for Corbyn, the bag with candy and the bag with sweaters. "Oh my god you got me so much stuff!" Corbyn says and he turns around so he faces me, "Mia" he says and I smile, "I just couldn't pick okey" I say and I push him to the bed. "Open it" I say while I hand him the bag with the sweaters, he sighs and he takes the bag from me. I sit down next to him and I watch him unwrap the first sweater and I can see that he likes it, "This is so cool!" he says and he holds it up, "Thankyou" he adds and he gives me a kiss. I smile and I watch him open the two other sweaters. He's really happy with both of them so I'm content now. "So I also got you some candy and a card" I say and I hand him the other bag. He grabs the card and he looks at me, "Read it out loud" I say and he nods. He opens the card and starts, "Dear Corbyn, I wanted to let you know that I am so in love with you, you honestly have no idea. I wanted to let you know that you made my life so much better. I wanted to let you know that I'm so grateful for the fact that you came into my life. I still remember the first time we ever spoke, we were in Target and you tapped on my arm and asked if you could ask something. I'm so glad that you picked me to ask your question to, cause if you didn't we wouldn't have met each other. I wouldn't already know who you are when I saw you at school.
So Corbyn, I just wanted to let you know that I love you with my whole heart. Mia" Corbyn looks up from the card and he has teary eyes, "Ahww come here" I say and I pull him into a hug, "I love you so much" he says in my shoulder. We pull back and I give him a quick kiss on his nose, "I love you more" I say and he laughs and shakes his head, "Not possible" he says and we both laugh. "Sooo I also got you a gift" he says and he gets up from the bed, he walks up to his weekend bag and opens it, he grabs a small green bag and he hands it to me. "Thanks" I say and I open the bag, I grab a little package out of it, it's in this beautiful silver wrapping paper and it even has a little bow on it. I look up to Corbyn, "You didn't spend too much money right" I ask and Corbyn smiles, "Don't worry about that okey, just open it" he says and I nod. I rip off the wrapping paper and then I'm left with a little green box. I open it and I see the most beautiful necklace in the world. It's this silver necklace with a little heart attached to it. "It's beautiful" I say and I look up to Corbyn, "I'm glad you like it" he says. I take it out of the box and hold it up, "Could you help me put it on?" I ask and he nods, I turn my back to him and I lift my hair up. I feel his soft hands on the back of my neck and he puts the necklace on me. He kisses my neck and goosebumps immediately spread over my body, I turn around and I kiss him. After a little while I pull back and I look him right in the eyes, "So uhm, I need to tell you something" I say and Corbyn nods, I take a deep breath. Okey come on Mia, just tell him the truth about your dad.

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