Chapter 57

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When we've had to add some hot water to the tub 3 times and my whole body is wrinkly I decide that I'll just get out of the bad. I pull myself up, Corbyn immediately wraps a big, warm and soft towel around me, he helps me out of the bathtub and guides me to my room. While I dry myself he hands me one of his sweaters, I take it from him and I put it on, I also grab some underwear and put that on as well, no bra tho. "Why don't you pick out a movie while I grab some snack?" Corbyn asks and I nod, I get on the bed and I get under the covers.
I'm not shaking anymore but I still feel Chad's hands all over my body and I don't like it. What happened just keeps replaying in my head. I shake my head to try to get those thoughts of my head and grab the remote, I open disney+ and I start scrolling through the movies.
I've decided that Corbyn and I are gonna watch ratatouille, I've always loved that movie when I was younger. That rat looked so incredibly cute! I put the movie on and I immediately pause it. I grab my phone and check my messages, I see that my mom tried to call me 30 minutes ago, I unlock my phone and I call my mom back.
"Hey sweetie" my mom says when she answers the phone, "Hey mom" I say with a weak and soft voice. "Are you okey?" my mom asks worried and a tears starts rolling down my cheek, "N-no" I say while I trip over my own words. "What's wrong sweetie?" my mom asks with a super concerned voice. "W-well, there t-this guy at s-school and h-he tried t-to touch m-me" I say, "He tried to do what?!" my mom yells through the phone, "Where did it happen!" my mom adds, "At s-school" I say. "Okey you're taking tomorrow off, no school tomorrow. You are going there to talk to the principal, you tell him what happened and then you'll go to the police, this is not okey Mia" my mom says and I nod. "Okey" I answer, "So does Corbyn knows this?" my mom asks and at that moment Corbyn enters the room with a tray full of snacks and drinks, I smile when I see him. "Yeah he k-kinda s-saved me, h-he hit t-the guy on h-his jaw and t-that made h-him faint" I say, "Well thank Corbyn for me will you" she says and I smile, "I will" I reply. "So where's Corbyn now?" my mom asks, "He's sitting next to me" I reply, "Could you give him please? I'd like to talk to him" my mom says and I nod, "Here you go" I say while I hand the phone to Corbyn, "My mom wants to talk to you" I say and he nods, he takes the phone from me, "With Corbyn" he says. I have no idea what they're talking about since I got up from my bed and walked to the window, I'm just looking at the skye, it's beautiful, the sun is now setting and the whole sky is purple and pinkish.
After a little while I hear some footsteps I immediately turn around, my heart is pounding in my chest again, but it's Corbyn. He opens his arms and he pulls me into a tight hug, "We're going to school and the police tomorrow" he says and I nod in his chest. We stand like this for a little while and then we let go off each other, "Shall we watch that movie?" Corbyn asks and I nod. We get on my bed and i turn on the movie, Corbyn wraps his arm around my shoulders and I sit closely against him, I feel safe with him. Plus when he's here he's distracting me from Chad, i still feel his hands on my body and his lips.
I shake my head again and try to focus on the movie.
After 30 minutes I feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier, I slowly close them and drift asleep.
Corbyn's pov:
I feel so bad for Mia, I am so happy that I hit Chad so hard that he fainted, but still. He was touching my girlfriend! Even though she told him to stop multiple times! That guy really has no respect for girls at all. Mia is now sleeping on my chest, she looks so cute, she has on leg over my leg and her arms are around my chest. I carefully put a straw of hair behind her ear. How could she not get why I thought she's beautiful, cause like look at her! I'm slowly making little circles on her back, I smile when I look at her. I still can't believe she's my girlfriend. 

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