Chapter 2

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They were all getting ready to leave, Aceso had a quick chat with Mico and Nico.

"We will be staying here," Nico informed.

"Are you sure?" Aceso asked. "You two love chucking your shields at people."

"Sadly we will have to miss out," Mico said. " But someone needs to stay behind and watch over Kankuro. Maybe we can see where Aunt Fizzy is hiding."

"Right," Aceso nodded. She then went outside to join the others.

"Seems we will be working in conjunction with a squad from the sand village," Kakashi said. "As soon as they're here, we'll head out."

"Sorry to keep you waiting," Temari apologized as she walked up with her squad. 

"Temari!" Aceso exclaimed, she recognized that Matsuri was among the squad. 

"If that's everybody," Kakashi said.

"Ok," Naruto said stretching. "There's no time to waste. Let's get this show on the road."

"Wait," Baki ordered appearing at the scene. "Temari, you and your group are to stay here. Patrol the perimeter."

"Are you kidding me or what?" Temari demanded.

"Orders from above," Baki answered. She let out a gasp. "If word gets out that the Kazekage is missing, our enemies may use it as an opportunity to launch an attack on the village."

"Come on," Maki groaned. 

"Don't you get it?" Temari demanded. "That's all the more reason we have to get him back as quickly as we can. Look at these leaf ninja. They left their village and came all the way here just to help us rescue Gaara. And Gaara's not even their leader. He's our Kazekage. The sand Shinobi should be the ones to save him."

"I'm sorry," Baki apologized.

"Well, I'm going!" Lady Chiyo shouted from the distance, they look up to see her on top of a building.  "If a sand Shinobi is needed, then I'm the one to go."

"Granny Chiyo?" Temari asked.

"But, but you're so--"Baki began.

"I'm retired, yes," Lady Chiyo smiled. "Which means, of course, that I'm free to do whatever I want."

"Yes, but, the journey will be difficult," Maki said.

"Bah!" Lady Chiyo spat. "Don't treat me like a fossil!" She jumped down.

"What in the end?" Naruto demanded. His and Sakura's eyes were wide.

"After all, it's been a while since I've doted on my adorable grandchild," Lady Chiyo said. With that, they walked out behind the wall to go rescue Gaara.

"All right," Kakashi said as they stood at the wall. "We'll head out on our own, then."

"Thank you," Baki breathed. "I'll try to convince the council to change their mind."

"Don't worry, we'll catch up with you," Temari said.

"Right," Aceso nodded.

"Ha. By the time you can catch up with us, we'll have already rescued Gaara," Naruto said."

"We'll see you soon," Sakura said. They then took off towards the Akatsuki hideout. 


Out in the forest, Team Gai was heading straight for the sand village.

"Hey, slow down a little," Tenten pleaded. "We've been going at full speed since we started. Would it kill us to take a little rest?"

"Tenten," Lee breathed looking back at her. "You're really not training hard enough."

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