Chapter 43

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After arriving back in the village, everyone went home. Upon arriving at the door to her home from the outside, Aceso heard loud snores. She smiled to herself, locked the door, and quickly did her night routine, before snuggling into bed with Lee. As she drifted off to sleep, she thought about that lullaby, it was one of the ones Gai used to sing to her as a child. Then her mind went to her biological parents, she remembered things she told them while she was dead, how they met, life in the sand village.


A girl with orange hair and green eyes was walking down the streets of the sand village, she was holding hands with a younger girl, she had orange hair and pink eyes. The older girl was holding an umbrella in her other hand trying to protect them from the raging sand storm.

"In here!" a voice cried out. They looked over to see a boy with red spikey hair, and black eyes, he was opening a door a little, cowering behind it. "You'll be safer in here!"

"Thanks," the older girl breathed as they took cover.

"My name is Rasa and I'm going to be the future Kazekage," the boy informed as he closed the door.

"Big dreams for a little boy," the older girl noted.

"He looks the same age as your big sister," the little girl said.

"So, you are sisters?" Rasa asked.

"Yes," the older girl answered. "So how old are you?"

"Eight," the boy asked. "Now who are you two?"

"I'm Momo, I am also 8, and this is my little sister Fizzy, she's 3," the older girl informed. "I'm also her caretaker."

"Don't you have parents to look after the two of you?" Rasa asked. They shook their heads sadly. Tears formed in Fizz's eyes.

"Our mom died after giving birth to my sister and our dad left a few days after that," Momo explained. "It's just been us two, and I like to believe I'm doing a good job raising Fizzy on my own.

"Don't you two have anyone else? You're too young to be raising a child," Rasa said. The girls shook their heads. Rasa opened the gourd on his side and did a hand sign, gold dust shot up, and then it fell all around them softly like snow.

"Pretty," Fizzy sniffed as she looked up at it.

"I'll protect you two and bring you into my family," Rasa proposed.

"Like a dad?" Fizzy asked.

"Big brother," Rasa corrected. "From this point forward the two of you are my sisters, and there is nothing you can do about it."

"Why?" Momo asked as she eyed the boy suspiciously.

"I'm next in line to be the Kazekage, I have to protect the people of our village, and I'm going to start getting practice by protecting my family, which is you two." From then on the three spent the time training together, being a family. Momo came across a magnetic release but with cacti needles and was well skilled with a fan. 

At some point during the 3rd Great Ninja War, Momo ended up taking cover in an abandoned hot spring, she got separated from Fizzy. The front door hung off its hinges, windows scattered. Momo was sitting in a room patching up her wounds when she heard footsteps. Momo took out a kunai as the door slid open, a man collapsed on the ground in front of her, he was injured badly.

"Please," the boy pleaded. "Help me."

"And why should I, leaf ninja?" Momo holding up a hand sign, she had cactus arm warmers, and needles rose up, surrounding the boy. The boy looked at her....his eyes were the prettiest eyes she has ever seen...a golden color and his hair, a bright red...even redder than her brother's hair...Rasa's hair. 

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