Chapter 57

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They watched Obito rise a bit more before stopping. Sasuke was now holding up Aceso. He pulled out the eye strainer dropper, and put some in her eyes, Aceso did the same to him. 

"Shinobi are all done for," Obito declared. "There's no need to keep going. If you don't resist, I won't kill you." Naruto was growling angrily, tears of anger brimmed in his eyes. Regret will fill you unless you stip and do nothing."

"If we just do nothing then we'll all be saved?" a cloud shinobi asked. 

"That's right," Obito confirmed. "No more fearing death or enduring pain. You'll be entering a dream." All the shinobi remained quiet.

"Don't give up!" Hashirama ordered. "If you're put under genjutsu, you're as good as dead."

"This enormous tree is very closely connected to Obito like an extra limb for extracting chakra," Lord 3rd stated. "We mustn't be careless."

"Such words of weakness," a  voice said, they looked back to Orochimaru, landing with Karin and Suigetsu. "How unlike you, Sarutobi Sensei."

"Orochimaru," Sarutobi said. "You're quite late! And the Five Kage?"

"I saw to their healing," Orochimaru answered. Aceso's eyes went wide, for once she was happy to see Orochimaru. 

"So they are going to be alright?" Aceso asked.

"Yes," Orochimaru smiled at her. "If they don't chicken out, they should be becoming."

"You're still as sarcastic as ever, I see," Sarutobi stated. 

"Sorry I'm late, Jugo!" Suigetsu apologized. "Sasuke! Aceso! Nice to see you again."

"Same to you," Aceso stated. 

"You've come..." Jugo said. 

"Oh, man that tree really is giant, seeing it up close like this," Sugiestu said putting his hand above his eyes, to get a better look. " I wonder how long it's gonna take to cut that huge thing down?"

"Ugh, who cares about that, Suigetsu?" Karin asked. She started laughing and daydreaming.

"Is to heal the Allied Forces shinobi, right?" Suigetsu brought up. 

"Yeah! Yeah, I know!" Karin responded. "Shut your trap! I know already, damn it!"

"Karin," Aceso breathed. "Reach into my pack." 

"Why do you want me to do that?" Karin asked appearing behind her.

"It's essential, pull out a chakra and healing patch," Aceso instructed. Karin did as she was told. "Not put it on the red chakra surrounding Sasuke."

"What is that going to do?" Karin asked. Her eyes were filled with joy. 

"Not sure, but it's worth a try," Aceso stated. Karin put the patches on Sasuke, Aceso looked back to see the patches popping up on all the other shinobi behind them. She saw it starting to form back on Shikamaru, but only at his right thumb. Aceso frowned. 

'I need to get my blood to Shikamaru,' Aceso thought to herself. 'Then I can perform the chakra-healing transfer technique.'

Suddenly Hashirama's voice appeared in her head, along with the rest of the alliance.

"Listen, carefully," Hashirama ordered. He explained the giant tree and infinite tsuykumoi to everyone as Obito raised a hand. 

"So, we're all just nourishment for that tree?" a shinobi asked. 

"That's it?" another asked. "That's what shinobi are?!"

"Then how are we supposed to fight ?!"

"Plus we only have about fifteen minutes?! We can't even get near it!"

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