Chapter 40

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Aceso now sat at the council meeting,  she sat next to Shikamaru, and Aoba. 

"All right is everyone here?" Tsunade asked. No one responded. "Then we'll begin the war council to discuss our strategy." 

"Assemble ninja tools and stock reserves of food," Koharu urged. "Assign all shinobi to a main battle unit or support groups and ponder how to further group platoons within the main unit. And bring me a full list of all our shinobi and give Doctor Matsuba a list of all the medical shinobi we have" Aoba got up.

"It's war, then," Shikamaru said. "So it's finally come to that."

"You two were appointed to the war council, but you're still young," Shikaku said looking at his son and Aceso. "Just watch and don't miss a thing." 

"Yeah, don't worry. I know," Shikamaru said.  "I'll use every brain cell and hammer everything in."  Ninja dropped scrolls in front of Aceso. She was finding this highly strange, she was used to being given a stack of medical charts, but a list of the medical ninja from the 5 different nations was different." After the meeting Aceso went back to the hospital, she scrapped all the decisions she made earlier, she needed to start from scratch. She kept people on certain units, but it wasn't working out. 

"Hey," Shikamaru said poking his head in.

"What's up Shikamaru?" Aceso asked looking at him.

"Have you seen Naruto?" Shikamaru asked. "He suddenly vanished from Ichiraku."

"Vanished?" Aceso asked.

"Yeah, Teuchi said one minute he was here and the next he was gone," Shikamaru asked.

"Well, he vanished once when Gamachiki summoned him, so he's probably at Mount Myoboku," Aceso answered. 

"I hope you're right," Shikamaru stated. "This has become a real drag." He looked at the table and saw paper surrounding the trash can. "Looks like you could use a break."

"I'm just stumped," Aceso admitted.

"Take a break and help me find Naruto," Shikamaru insisted. "It'll make this less of a drag."

"All right," Aceso gave in, she quickly cleaned up, then went to go help Shikamaru look for Naruto. They ended up in Lady Tsunade's office with Sakura, Yamato, and Kakashi.

"You saw the Great Lord Elder?" Tsunade asked.

"Yeah, he used a Reverse Summoning Jutsu," Naruto answered. 

"And we went through all that trouble," Shikamaru groaned. 

"Lord Fukasaku could have at least let me know beforehand," Tsunade groaned. 

"Yes, but's a relief you're okay, Naruto," Kakashi said. 

"Hey, I'm more than okay!" Naruto assured. "I'm doing great!

"I'm glad, but why did the Great Lord Elder summon you?" Tsunade asked. 

"Giant Gramps Sage had something he wanted to tell me, a prophecy he had," Naruto answered.

"Like the one that he foretold to Jiraiya?" Tsunade asked. 

"What did the Great Lord Elder have to say?" Aceso asked. 

"Uhh--Well, I---" Naruto began. 

"What is it?" Aceso asked.

"Well, I'm gonna go to some cool resort and meet an octopus there!" Naruto exclaimed. 

"Huh!? You're gonna do what?!" Shikamaru stammered. 

"Uh..." the others breathed. 

"And what's that supposed to mean, exactly...?" Kakashi asked. 

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