Chapter 7

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Back over in the leaf village, Izumo and Kotetsu were on gate duty.

"You're getting a little too laid back, aren't you?" Izumo asked watching Kotetsu stretch and yawn.

"Things have been so tense around here for so long, what with business in the Sand Village. Now that the danger's finally over, I'm exhausted," Kotetsu explained. The cat a bit away meowed in a panic and ran away.

"The immediate danger may be over, but that doesn't mean we can lower our guard," Izumo argued. A dog began to chase the cat. "Who knows what'll happen next? Only be maintaining maximum vigilance at all--"

" Oh come on," Kotetsu cut him off. "You can't live like that. You'll give yourself a heart attack. Relax a little."

"Relax," Izumo laughed. There was a threatening bark, the dog below skidded to a stop, he looked up at a tree, where Kiba and Akamaru were located.

"Ha, ha," Kiba laughed. "That'll teach you to go picking on a poor a little cat, you bully." They then heard a trembling.

"Hmm," Izumo breathed looking out the gate.

"What's that?" Kotetsu asked standing up to get a better look. The longer they looked, the better the picture got. It was Might Gai giving Kakashi a piggyback ride, running at full speed.

"Ahh! Nearly there!" Gai shouted. " The finish line is in sight!" Kakashi was only hanging on to Gai with his legs. " Victory!" He skidded to a stop after crossing the gate line, he stood straight up hitting Kakashi. "First place." He pumped his hand into the hair holding up one finger. Izumo and Kotetsu seemed lost for words. They heard more yelling, they looked over to see Lee giving a redhead girl a piggyback ride, as he ran into the village, she had her face dug into his back, as they carried everyone's else stuff besides the cactus. He has become much faster than she had remembered. He skidded to stop and held up two fingers.

"Only second place, but close!" Lee cheered. 

"What kind of race was that?" Izumo demanded.

" I don't know," Kotetsu answered. Gai hosted Kakashi back up.

"It's clear to me that you need and Aceso needs more training, Lee," Gai said.

"You are right," Lee agreed. "And next time we will try to come in first."

"Well, Lee I hate to break it to you, but I have some bad news," Gai said.

"Huh?" Lee asked. "What would that be, Sensei?"

"Just this," Gai said. "Neither of you came in second!" He spun around. "You finished in third place! And she finished in fourth place!" Somehow Kakashi was pointing at both of them. Lee went into horror shock, as Aceso lifted her head up, looking over his shoulder. "You're forgetting I have Kakashi on my back." He turned, Kakashi looked like he was in pain as his head hung back. " Technically, he came in second." He started laughing. "Did you hear that, Kakashi? You're a lucky man. But there's no need to thank me."

"You have taught me yet another valuable lesson, sensei," Lee cried as he wrote into his notebook. "I still have so much to learn."

"Lee," Aceso breathed as she hosted herself up and looked over down over his shoulder. " I think we just misunderstood the training exercise." He cried even harder and wrote faster. Behind them stood the others. They looked annoyed with the four in front of them. Mainly Lee, Aceso, and Gai.

"I'll never get these two, their ridiculous level of intensity," Neji groaned. 

"I never thought my sister would be one to join in on it," Naruto groaned.

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