Chapter 5

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The fight between Deidara and Aceso continued as Naruto and Kakashi chased after them.

"So annoying," Deidara groaned. "This is taking so long, I'll never get back to my man, Sasori."

"Your man Sasori is going to be finished once Lady Chiyo and Sakura are done," Aceso said blocking his kick.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Deidara said as he blocked an elbow. "I know, I'll use the rest of detonating clay and show him what a real artist can do. However, if I'm going to do that, I'll have to get rid of you my dear, along with the copy ninja. It might have taken a while, but this is worth the wait." Aceso ducked to avoid, a kick, Deidara threw tons of small clay, as Aceso caught his ankle. She got back to her feet bringing out a kunai just as Deidara did, at the same time, they both struck each other across the cheek, and blood flowed back onto the logs behind them. A drop of blood fell onto Naruto.

"Naruto, wait up!" Kakashi yelled as he dodged the small exploding clay spiders.

"You're slowing me down, Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto shouted. "I'm going on ahead."

"Don't do anything reckless," Kakashi ordered.

"Yeah, yeah I know," Naruto said as he took off faster. 

Up above, Deidara started to fly higher, the two opponents jumped from each other, and Aceso's foot landed right behind the clay bird's ear. The bird started to lower itself.

"Huh?" Aceso breathed looking down. She pressed down harder, the bird started to go down faster.

"Just what do you think you're doing!" Deidara demanded as he launched forward. Aceso jumped up, she kicked Deidara in the back of the end, now she stood at the tail and her opponent stood by the head. They started to go back up. Far back behind them, they heard an explosion.  

"That takes care of the copy ninja," Deidara smirked.

"Oh, please," Aceso gruffed. "Kakashi-sensei isn't so easily defeated, especially by your lame art."

"Take that back!" Deidara demanded as he charged, Aceso jumped back up, Deidara grabbed her by the last second and slammed her onto the bird as he allowed it lower to a branch. He put a foot on her stomach as Naruto came into view. "At last. Now it's just the two of us." Naruto growled. "Aw, don't scowl like that. And here I was about to let you see your friend. The bird opened its mouth, letting Naruto see Gaara. Naruto growled even angrier, his appearance was changing rapidly. "Oh that's right, you're a Jinchuriki too. I bet seeing him like this drives you crazy."

"Give him back right now!" Naruto demanded launching forward.

"Don't do it," a voice said. Naruto looked back to see Kakashi grabbing his shoulder.

"Kakashi-sensei," Naruto breathed.

"Aw, man," Deidara groaned. " I could've sworn you just bought it back there."

"And you thought he was easily defeated," Aceso said as she kicked him off of her. He got knocked to his knees, Aceso put a foot on his back.

"Sorry," Kakashi apologized. "But it wasn't the real me that blew up. "Next time you should teach your critters to tell the difference between a real human and a shadow clone. That is if there is a next time." Deidara kicked his leg back as the bird flew up, Aceso jumped up dodging it.

"Don't move!" Naruto demanded.

"I could say the same to you," Kakashi said. "It'll be alright. Aceso seems to be giving Deidara a beating, and we will get Gaara back. So calm down." Naruto glanced up to see kunai clashing with each other rapidly.

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